Sunday, June 14, 2009
heys peeps... so wasted...wasted...WASTED!!! u get me?? WASTED!! 4hs...i spent 4hs... ON NOTING?? wth... argh!! nvm la... i try gains lorrh... tis morn i woke up at bout 10am... yayay!! got my beauty sleep!! gdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgd... i was worried bout pimples n panda eyes... hahahas! no worries~ i woke up, did some physics... urgh!! then did my ll... sian ley i dunno how do... i copied the whole of chapter 8 down... idin summarise, howhowhwohwowhowhowhowohw!! 4hs ley.... i have to redo it gains... i only found out there's a better way to it when i finished my bk... nvm... nobody is perfect.... redo then redo lah! wun die one... aiya...these few days are totally boring n i miss dear 105'09!! wished i was in school... miss lifang.... harhar...lifang dunnoe got miss me not... n all my frens.... SOBS... =( I NOTING TYPE ONE LAH... JUST POST FOR FUNN... BUT END UP NOT FUNN LEY.... DUN WAN TO POST LIAO. -__-" bb!