Saturday, June 13, 2009
HEYHEY(: wowo...todae was GOOD. G.O.O.D.!! harhar! it was woke up at um...8AM!! thx to my mum lorr. she say must go eat breakfast wif papa aiya!! so early wake up...i feel so sleepy nw... WAKE UP YILING!! kk, i woke up. LOL ate vegetarian noodles...wif zhai-er, dunnoe how say in angmorr...LOL ahahaas!then go hme, felt warm gain, cos of global warmin, sian ley! then go bathe lorr... eversince i cange frm bathin in warm water to COLD water,BLAME THE WEATHER. BLAME US. FOR NOT SAVIN THE EARTH. THESE ARE THE CONSEQUENCES.then jem, joaquim, yining n jolene came to my hse, haha...i 1.15pm got ready for maccafe... then yining call me, ask me wear watthen jem oso call... then she tell me. i at cck liao. u can hurry?? harahrharr!!i was lyk harr?? y u so fast reach one?? i tot she wld be the latest...LOL uuuurgh!! so i kan chiong,,, chiong my way to yewtee point cos she said she go ytp shop first while waitin for me...harhars...then we settled for macs upstairs.
ordered mc wings wif fries n greentea UPSIZED haha...GUESS WHO CAME NXT?? jolene. she called my hp...then jem n me both oily hand mah cannot pick up phone... u shld have seen us. then jolene could not see us...then when she came... i said: " eh! jolene from so far cme oso earlier then yining... yining i jus nw call her, she say she hurry here stop only nw haven reach."JUST TAT MOMENT, yining arrived...hahas speak of the devil... then joaquim call her nv listen, then she latest cme... LATE LATE LATEwe scurried back home ltr on... hahas jolene. ur slippers step on mud!! =p hahame n yining did on jingle...=) while jol jem n joa did on the script. (:then finish liao, me n jem go do the puppet show, alot of NG scenes ley=.=" haha... but all of us had a great laugh today... yup! bet u gals had a great time, laughin ur heart outU DUN NOE HOW PAIN IT IS TO LIE DOWN N MOVE THE PUPPET AT THE SAME TIME. I CALL IT T.I.R.I.N.G.urhh... joaquim u badbad gurl! latest cme earliest go SADSAD =( i tink tis post gonna be realli long um... then jem oso leave liao. left jolene n yining. yining ate a chocox muffin while jolene was doin moviemaker so hardworkinyining was ____ing her way tru my hse... cos of BOF. LOL the end then we all go hme... sent jol n yining to mrt...hars! i omost lost my library card!! urgh!go hme... bathed gains n had a WONDERFUL DINNER. thx mummy for the cookin! me lurve todae the dinner! =))HAHA. i guess i can nv be anyway happy than todae...I CHERISH THIS DAY N WISH FOR IT TO HAPPEN AGAIN.well, yiling has got a feel of how actin is lyk todae.NG scenes can laffalot! hahas...i have oways loved NG scenes...I FINALLY KNEW HOW MUCH FUNN!! say yayayayayayayayayayay!!