Sunday, June 14, 2009
Quiz Stolen From Evonne From Kai Qing
1. Spell your name without an E,R,S,H,K,I,M,L,C,A,Y,N,T,B. - g--------haha very funny =.="
2. Are you single? -Yes but...UNAVAILABLE. muahahahahahas!!
3. What is your favourite number? - 10. its my name.
4. What is your favourite color? - NO EXACT FAVOURITE... should be fluorescent green ba...
5. Least favourite color? - extra extra bright purple
6. What are you listening to now? - noting
7. Are you happy with your life right now? - yep.
8.Are you involved with anyone? - wat involved???
9. What is your favourite subject in school? - Homec!!
10. Do you have money? - Yep. wanna rob me??
11. Where do you wish you were right now? - I wish I was in school.
12. If you had to get a tattoo, where would you want it? And what would it be? - i dun lyk tattoos...spoil my skin n look so awful...only dumbdumb lyk tattoos... LOL. but if i have one, i would want iton my back?? n it would have to be mary.♥
1) What's your name ? - Loh Yi Ling
2)What were you doing yesterday @ 7 pm? - um...eatin my dinner while watchin "ai"??
3) What did you eat for your breakfast today? - saussage mcmuffin!! n harsh browns!! yumyum! =)
4)What clothes are you wearing? - T-shirt n Shorts??
5)Are u alone at home now? - No. my parents are with me.
6)Are u very bored now? - no...
7)Do you admire someone? - Jeantette n Fann!!! <3>