Saturday, June 13, 2009
1. What is your handphone type? -Nokia 2. Who was the last person text you? - gladys♥
3. What does it say? - R u free tmr?
4. How many messages do you have? - 63...tinkin of deletin them all but THEY are too precious!!
5. What is your bluetooth name? - yiling♥
6. Where would you usually hangout? - NHHS!
7. Would you take neoprints or watching movies? - neoprints!
8. What would you do when you were lost? - call my mum ba...
9. If you were to meet your long lost friend, what would you do? - Eh!! R u ________????
10. Like wearing makeup or perfume? - depend on wat occasion...performance is a must have lah! PERFUME?? nono.
11. What is your blog link? -
12. Who was the last person to tag you? - VIVIANNN.
13. What does it say? - hello(:
14. How many people been to your blog? - dunno...lazy to count=P
15. Is your blog private? - no.
16. What do you feel right now? - noting ley...
17. What do you want right now? -
18. Would you feel guilty when you spam your closest friend's blog? - no. me no shame =p
19. You wake up usually what time? - 10pm
20. Feel happy that you finish this quiz? - harr... i knew theres more.
-END OF QUIZ-next =) Q1. What's the connection between you & the last person that called you? - BFFs, yining
Q2. Do you ever turn your cell phone off? - no...
Q3. What happened at 10.00am today? - at fajar shoppin
Q4.When did you last cry? - yest. training my eye muscles. intend to do it gains todae... =.="
Q5.What is the favourite thing to eat with peanut butter? - plain sunshine bread
Q6.What do you want in your life right now? - new clothes
Q7.Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood? - i walk in the rain wif an umbrella if its too heavy.
Q8.What's the favourite thing to have on your bed? -MARY Q9. What bottom are you wearing now? - yewteepri pe shorts
Q10.What is the nicest text in your inbox say? - I noe i can see u. u crazy arh? laugh until lyk that.but i oso lar. hehe. hope we can eat together later. really really hope.
Q11.Do you tend to make a relationship complicated? - yes.
Q12. Are you wearing you borrowed from someone? - no way!
Q13.What was the last movie you caught? - beverly hills chihuahua.
Q14. Who did you watch the movie with? - mummi
Q16.What was the last song you sang out loud? - homec jingle. _________________.
Q17.Do you have any nicknames? - yup.
Q18.What does your last received text message say? - too long to type.
Q19.What time did you go to bed last night? -11pm
Q20.Are you currently happy? - no.
Q21.Who gives you the best advice? - yining
Q22.Do you eat whipped cream from the can? - me no lyk cream. ME HATE CREAM.
Q23. Who did you talk on the phone last night? - yining
Q24.What are you afraid of now? - Nothing.
Q25.What/Who was the last thing/person to make you laugh? - Jem, yining. Q26. Do you wear the toe socks? - no.
Q27.Who was the last person you missed a call from? - yining
Q28. Have you ever had your heart broken? - yep.
Q29.What annoys you most in person? - mud??
Q30. Do you have a crush on someone? -no.
Q31.Have you ever done cocaine? - cocaine...forgive me for my poor understanding but wats that??
Q32. What is the color of your room? - BROWN♥
Q33.Would you kill someone you hate for a billon dollars? - NO. MAYBE A ZILLION??? money come first... tok ltr.
Q34.Do you believe in the saying "talk in cheap"? - wats tat??
Q35. Who is the last person who lay in your bed? - Jemaine.
Q36.Who was the last person who hug you? - mary♥.
Q37.What do you want to say to the person you crush on? - noting
Q38. Do you have a life? - i am alive n well, tokin to YOU!!
Q39. Have you ever think someone died, when they really didn't? - NOPE.
Q40. What is the reason behind your profile song? - ??
Q41.Who was the last person you saw in your dreams? - forgot...shld be lotus lantern the chenxiang ba... =p
Q42. Last time you smiled? - TODAY.
Q43. Have you changed this year? - alotalotalotalotalot!
Q44.What are you listening right now? - noting
Q45. Are you talking to someone when you are doing this? - Yep. vivian. msnin.
Q46.Do you walk with your eyes open or close? - open. u wan me close my eyes wokwokwok then bang wall ah?
Q47.It's there a quote you live by? - there are many. here's one. "me live in me world n me have to live up to me life." " smart is gd dun act smart." LOL
Q48.Do you want someone you cant have? - NO.
Q49.Have you ever played an instrument? - yep!! piano!
Q50. What was the worst idea you had in week? - dunnoe ley
Q51.What were you doing at 11.00pm? - me??? turning off the lights to sleep.
Q52.Are you happy with your love life right now? - i have no love life.
Q53.What song(s) describe your life? - joi chua's songs!
Q54. Does the person know that you like her/him? - me dun stead.
Q55. Who always make you laugh? -my gd pals! ♥
Q56. Do you speak other language other than English? - CHINESE.
Q57.Are you blond? - me no angmorr.
Q58.What's your middle name? middle name.
Q59.What are you doing tomorrow? - no one can predict the future. u tink i god ah??
Q60. What do you think you are like? -dun ask me. ask my friends! (:
Q61. Who will you choose to die with you? - mary♥
Q63. What game do you play often? - no game...
Q64.Who are you missing right now? -105'09. It's the holidays =(
Q65.If you've to choose between friends&love, who will you choose? - frens. i hate mushy suff.
Q66. What are you doing right now? - Doing this quiz?
Q67. Which Primary school are you from? - YEW TEE PRIMARY SCHOOL! ♥
Q68.Name three colours that you like. - Black. White. Fluorescent Green.(n brown toos! no space)
Q69. What emotions you like to show? - normal. me no abnormal.
Q70. What is life to you? - mysterious. n scary. me no lyk mistakes. PERFECTION. but in life, its not possible.
Q71.If you have something troubling you, what will you do? - SOLVE IT.
Q72.Who did you last chat in msn today? - zoey n vivian
Q73. Who do you admire the most? - me?? um...urh...jeanette aw??
Q74. Which month are you born in? - AUGUST. <3 Q75. How are you feeling right now?- notingQ76. What is the time now? - 10.45pmQ77. Where are you now? - livin rm.Q78. What colour did you use to dye your hair? - me no dye.Q79.Why are you doing this test?- cos i wan to. CANN??Q80. What do you do when you're moody? - i cry. Q81.At which age, you want to get married? - 30+ Love doesnt mean much to me. I GOT BUSSINESS TO DO! NO TIME FOR THAT. Q82. Who is more important to you?- huhuhu??Q83. Do you think you have enough confidence?- I SAY I CONFIDENT THEN I AM!!Q84. Who is the Person you trust the most? - mary♥ Q85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?- dunnoeQ86.If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?- shoot to fame as an actress.Q87. What are your goals for this year? - TOP 100 in level, TOP 10 in class n pass all subject n 6A1s.Q88. Do you believe in eternity love?- no.Q89.What do you love?- 105'09. <3> Q90.Do you really think its Global Warming now?
- Yep. i'm sweatin PROFUSELY. Q91.What feeling you hate the most? - FRAIDY Q92. You cherish every single friendship of yours? - Yep. Q93. Do you believe in God? - Yep! Q94. Who cares for you the most? - FAMILY N FRENS. Q95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life? - mary♥ Q96. What'll you bring when you fight? - vulgar?? =p Q97. What have you regretted doing in whole life? - smth i wun tell u. jian bu de ren. =( Q98. What would you feel when everyone no longer cares for you? - sad ba...NATURAL REACTION. u wan see me jump for hoy isit?? u sotsot!! Q99. What if your stead two-timed you? - I dun have a stead. If yes, then i'd SLAP him till i HAPPY. but most of the time. I AM NOT HAPPY. Q100. Tag 5 people to do this quiz.-anyone who wants to do or feels sian =P next===> 1. Do you have secrets? - yalarr! u wan noe?? here's one : ____________.
2. Would you fall in love with a boy younger than you? - no. its deadly troublesome to be wif an immatured boy. the girl still have to PROTECT the boy... LOL
3. Do you enjoy going to school? - Yes.
4. Will you fall in love with your bestfriend? - NO. ME BESTFREN IS GIRL. ME NO LES HOR. get tis rite.
5. Which is more blessed? Loving someone or being loved by someone? -Being loved by someone
6. What would you do if you have a billion dollars? - SHOPPIN SPREE!!
7. If the people you liked has already attached. what would you do? - SO WHAT??
8. Is there anything that has make you extremely happy? - friendship. n soft toys frm minitoons!
9. What makes you angry? - lack of trust frm my frens.
10. How would you see yourself in 10 years time? - ACTINGACTINGACTING.
11. Who is currently most important people to you? - family n frens
12. What is the important thing in life? - to live up to it.
13. Would you be rather single and rich or married but poor? - SINGLE N RICH!! MONEYMONEY COME COME!
14. You prefer fresh milk or chocolate milk? - none. no milk for me. wat bout ICE LEMON TEA??
15. Would you give all in a relationship? - Maybe.nOt.
16. If you are in love with two people simutanneously, which would you pick? - no one. i love myself.
17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horible a thing someone has done? - depends on wat he/she has done.
18. What would you want to tell the person that you like? - noting.
19. What type of person will you fall in love with? - actors.
20.Pass on this quiz to 5 people: - anyone who wants to do =P