Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Quiz Time
1. Who is the last person to tagged you? -Evonne
2. The relationship between you and her. -VERY VERY GOOD PALS!! =D
3. your 3 expressions of her/him? -Sweet, Cute, ADORABLE!!
4. If he/she will become your enemy? -We?? Enemies?? NO WAY LA...=)
5. What will you say to a person whom you like very much? - noting.
6. The characteristic(s) you love yourself is? - ME. JUST ME.♥
7. The characteristic(s) you hate yourself is? - UM...maybe i'm a little ________. i oso dun noe la...
8. For the person I hate, you will say, - HAHAHAHAH!
9. What do people feel about you? - dunnoe. u go ask them.
10. Who you'll have a crush to? - no one
11. The most ideal person you want to be is? - fann ??
12. Pass on this quiz to 10 person :
1.Li Fang 2.Vivian 3. Gladys 4. Ximing 5. Emily 6. Jin Lin 7. Yu Fang 8. Jolene 9. Gindelin 10. Wen Xse
13. If no.5 and no.7 is together, what will happen? (Emily n Yu Fang) -they dunno each other.
14. What does no.5 like?( Emily) - PUPPLE n shuai guys =p
15. What does no.9 like?(Gindelin) - ballet
16. Say something you know about no.8. (Jolene) -She is TORTOISE CRAZY.
17. Who is no.2?(Vivian) - She is my gd fren =D
18. Talk about no.3( Gladys) - She's my BEST FREN!!! FOR TWO YEARS!! ♥
19. Who is no.10?(Wen Xse) -My Gd 6 Integritian pal!
20. Who is the sexiest among 10 ppl? - um all GURLS!!!
21. What does no.4 likes?(Ximing) - IDK
22. Is no.4 single?(Ximing) - IDK??
23. What is your relationship between no.1?( Li Fang) - MY BFF! ♥
24. Is no.4 and no.5 bestfriends?(Ximing N Emily) -no. they dun noe each other. n if they do, there's no way they are BFS!! EMILY IS MY BFF!
25. What is no.9 surname?(Gindelin) -Low
26. What is no.7 nickname?(Yu Fang) - Evonne's taste: fangfang
27. What things do you say to no.8?(Jolene) - hahaha. tanku!
28. What will you do to help no.9?(Gindelin) - dunnoe ley...
29. Who does no.1 admires?( Li Fang) - ME. I'M BOASTING.
30. where does no.1 live at?( Li Fang) - Boon Lay
31. Does 10 of them know who you likes? - Not all.
32. What do you wish to say when you saw no.6?(Jin Lin) - JIN LIN!! =D
33. Who is no.10 spouse? (Wen Xse) - um...BEN?? =P