Monday, June 8, 2009
 dinksy sleepin  winksy...beautiful eh?  her eyes...  petshop cutie!!  a bit blur cos i take secretly refelction...sorries!!  OMG!! such an adorable duo!    dearest dinksy when she was first brought home...>.<  she was like so tiny??  hahas!! SUNSHINE IN MY HOME!!  closeup.   ur ears are sooo sharp.   dun shy la!! come out!!  u lookin at wat??  winksy drinkin frm her PINK waterbottle!! =D  u sleep until can see ur butt... LOL    STAND HIGH, AIM HIGH.   PEEK-A-BOO!!   all squashed up!!  so yang-or...u noe wat i mean??   hahas. cute pose dinksy, but r u sleepin or earsdroppin??  adorable baby frm e petshop!!  i love ur white fur n ur BIGBIG eyes!!  ooohhhoohoo!!       can u see tat both winksy n dinksy r in tis picture??  model winksy!!  here comes dinksy!!  um...the 3 PRINCESSES. princess, dinksy n winksy!!  dinksy!! u dun cut queue ley!!  haha! martial arts?? wushu??  PRINCESS!! pretty gal... she's my neighbours bunny!!  both of them r lyin down...sori horrhs...tis pic abit blur...  hey babbies!! come HERE!!  NAP TIME!!  the sisters...  SNUGGLE!! A TOTAL OF FIFTY BUNNY PICS WERE POSTED TODAY... Quiz time!! Reply me in the TAGBOXX kaays?? hu u lyke more?? --dinksy --winksy --princess MUST CHOOSE HORR!! N CHOOSE ONLY ONE!! bb!!