Tuesday, August 4, 2009
HMMMSSS...there are loads of hw...chi compo, history ws i haven do yet...n my piano theoryn tmr there's physics n eng testhope no more test lei veli stressed up liao eh...i'm tinkin of havin a lotus lantern day...wait ah...i check out the numbers.lotus= 12, 15, 20, 21, 19 = 24thlantern= 12, 1, 14, 20, 5, 18, 14 = 3rd (march)so, girls, settled??24th march??ohhh... i so wish it was in tis year...hav to wait til nxt year lenvm, we arrange dec hols go out together?my buddy today last ep...sighs...i'm really tiredi love augustbut i oso hate it...i feel lyk ARRRRRGHHHHHi hate exams...first time in my lifei primary sch not lyk tat de lorhARGHHHHnw, the new show is not local show leseven pm the show not badd lah..u all shld watchi noe,i'm gettin borini hav noting to sayi dun feel lyk sayin...yet , i noe,tat once i return to sleep,the nxt day wld be nearer to exams..we cun slow time down eh??