Tuesday, July 28, 2009
SIGHS...noone is online...everyone is in sch...there's no hw to do,n tv oso watch sian le...today is only the 2nd day!!! arhhhh...hahas...so, tis morn, i ate some noodles wif those "pirated" um...oops...its "fake" luncheon meat n toufu,,,cos is vegetarian mah...but no vege!! YEAHHHH...how's sch today? n the bio test?was it easy??u guys dunno how much i wanna be in sch nw...i wanna take tat bio test!!! i love bio!!!so, today, for elearnin,i go asknlearn, ace-learnin oso go le.but noting de ley...there's noting i can do...so, i watched my lotus lantern,, =p hehethe moral of the story today: "u can learn smeting frm tv drama serials!! reali!! n its veli gd for ur future!!! so, i encourage everyone, to continue to watch tv!! as much as u can! esp those drama shows!! "y ley?bcos ah...today ah...i watch until ep 31 of ll le...they said that, if only u have the DETERMINATION, PATIENCE, n CONFIDENCE, noting is impossible!!how true tis is!!! hahas!!!I ll crazy again...ignore me ignore me...omg...i'm tinkin of those tv effects again.i wonder.how do those ppl make those actors fly?? n twirl in the air?? n those stage blood!!!i wanna know everyting...n their makeup,n whether they used wigs or their real hair...u noe the widow's peak?? y they all the peak so high big one??can obviously see is one large "m" on their heads!!!hahas...-the bored girl-OOPS. write wrong le.-the bo liao girl-(tis sounds so much cuter!!)