Wednesday, July 22, 2009
um...a short day???
okay... today's a short day... took mrt to sch today... heard tat there wld be an eclipse today... SOLAR ECLIPSE... but singapore only 20% dark.. at around 6.45-6.58am today, i saw a purple sky... wonder if tat's the eclipse...its pretty wonderful...met gindelin at the jurong east mrt station, so i joined her to go to sch...first period was reading period... abit sian la today the newspaper... eng lesson, mr tan stil not here, we had to do an essay... then its recess... end up we nv do the racial harmonyquiz...its all a joke.... the tv not on how i do quiz ley? nxt is homec... sewing lesson was funn, i had to agree... but, i oso hav to agree tat i m a lousy sew-er... SIGHS!! the needle poke dao oso not pain, but it made my fingers really itchy!! so finally is CEP le lorr... we all try to pon class, homec lesson we took 15 mins of his 30min lesson away le... reach there he only hav lyk less than half a period to teach... MUAHAHAHAHAHA! then he caught smeone doin dunno wat, he said "ni yao fa zhan mah?" then lifang told me, "fa shen me zhan, only three minutes left..." make me laugh... but i really believe in treating others how u wan to be treated. tis is the quote i live by. (besides the "cun live without lotus lantern" quote =p) so, aft sch, me n lifang go eat macs together... we lyk so funn... we played hide n seek wif jemaine, yining, jin lin, jolene n shirlene... reach j.e. station we lyk OMG!! yining saw us!! SHITSHIT! aiya... finally admit defeat... we jus went down... but jurong entertainment centre not open ley... so we went o bukit batok... the double storey macs... lifang got her mamoth... she ate cup corn n nuggets n coke... while i ate macchicken n fries n green tea!!! went west mall to shop, but noting ley... so we go library, read some baby books... quite enjoyable... but we still had to part at the mrt station... omg... i jus rmb-ed. tmr i 7plus then reach home... how revise for history test?? die le... history second period ley...