Wednesday, July 29, 2009
heys... its thursday already... it was monday when i went hme early frm sch... n i'll only be back... on the nxt monday... i watched the last two ep of lotus lantern today... veli touchin ley... the last ep ah... my tears kip rollin down de... its lyk the erlangshen veli poor ting... n sanshengmu almost cannot rescue le... then they all cry, i oso cry wif them lor... hahaha!!
finish watchin ll le... i guess i have to proceed to lotus lantern prequel... the theme song is jus background music... no lyrics de ley... then ah... my hse the dvd player lyk keesiaow de, i play halfway... the whole ting pause. i play oso cannot i fast forward oso cannot i skip oso cannot! everting cannot... ARRRRGHHHH!!!!  n u guys... how's ur maths n physics test?? all the best... i miss u all... U ALL NV DO MY QUIZ DE!!! FRI NO MORE TEST LE BAH! mus do my quiz hor...