Friday, July 10, 2009
happy is wat i describe today.
today's geog test was so daaamed diff....sure fail one...CONFIRM most 8.5/ 20 marks only. at MOST!History was enjoyable...mdm chua was veli nice!!recess?? i ate rice wif toufu n fish! wif green teaArt ah?? We go do colour wheel looks freakinly awful...English lesson was sorta boring...Lunch!! Apple Juice!!me n lifang was lyk planning wat to do tmr...lyk cos we wan 1h work, 4hr play mah!so we plan hao le.PLAYDAY!HCL was soooper boring...i almost slept.Maths ah...stil hav to learn the viva-voce...i veli fan...tis cannot say, tat cannot say...i must well dun say...but cannot dun say ley...DISMISSAL- (my favourite period)lifang n me horr...lyk both so shebude lyk tat the zebra crossing hav to say byebye...then we keep turnin back...then i alight at cck stop...cos, nid to borrow chinese book for the dummb bk review...met gladys at popular... (It wasnt a coincidence)...i miss her sooo much... we hardly meet aft she moved hse...GLADYS! DO U HEAR TAT?? i miss u freakinly....(:::then we hav to go the time horrr...then i go wrong escalater...(how to spell? oh! forget it...)hahas! she kept pulling me...she said "admission fee"i repeated aft her, "admmission PEE"my god! wat a silly mistake!n i realli wanna watch lotus lantern nw...but i mus do sme hw first.I CAN DO IT!