Saturday, July 4, 2009
i'm gonna get my lotus lantern.
wow! today, i finished my math hw wif lifang's help! thx a lot EX-LAOPUO!hanyu wil rmb u for life. LOL.i'm oledi married to sophie!cannot one foot step two i complete liao, i went lot one wif my mum...i bought a pair of flipflops for myself, blue n green...NICE!n oso _____. wun tell u.n oso 6 helen hairbands for $1.50got blue, pink, white, n green ley...out of stock so green was spoilt n nw out of stock...nvm...ihelped my mum pick a pair of shoes...$49.90 ley...she so shede hua...really cannot tahan...nvm...she actually wanted the black one.but the black one looked so lyk bang sai on her feet? so i said no, n got her the light brown one.reminds me of choco cream.lyk have u even seen black cream bfore?it'll be EEEEWWW!! BURNT BANGSAI.yucks!then we went for dinner at clementi west the seafood restauant...i was cryin...(DUN YOU DARE LAUGH!!! U NOE WAT I AM CAPABLE OF)cos i wanted to eat at lot one the sweet n sour fish...then they bring me somewhere else..nvm...i had a headache n was dizzy today mum today la! haven 9 oclock wake me up...8.30am she go lie to me say the time is wonder.but turned out , the fish there was better!!n wow! high in sodium.the p.e.r.f.e.c.t. dish for me.WOOOHOOOO!!n bcos i cried, my mum said..."aiyo. i buy u the bao lian deng u wan? tis monday okay?"YOU SEE???i not on purpose cry one.REASONS:-i veli tired.-i sad cos nv eat at lot one.-i have a headache n am dizzy.-i feel lyk cryin.SO,its not i on purpose cry to get my mum to buy lotus lantern for me.its NOT.but yay!but nw, i'm in a dilema.its lyk they sell,two seasons of lotus lantern.they ask me if they wan "BAO LIAN DENG"or "BAO LIAN DENG QIAN ZHUAN"baoliandeng is season one, caojun is main character one . but it show many times liao.baoliandengqianzhuan is season two, caojun is THIRD main character, maynot be tat intersestin, but i nv see bfore. but wil show on tv nxt year.SO WHICH SHLD I BUY? i nid ur help so pls tell me in my tagbox...lurve ya!anyway, i saw the lil kitty yest which my father carried up to the fifth floor up to my hse to pat it.he's so shy!!!saw it today gains...soooo happy...tat kitty seem to lyk my father alot.I'M JEALOUS.oops! jealous of my father.y the cat so nice to him but see me wil run away one?):nvm....shall go take beauty sleep liao.saw my face got new PIMPLES,,,,SHIT LA...gtg. bb!