Friday, July 3, 2009
Friday is Over
got our class tee today...they printed smting wrongli,,, so :( lorr...its supposed to be "yiling :D"AND NOT "Yiling :D"but nvm la...oso can.lifang one even worse.she wan no.13 but then they give her no.5...maybe bcos yining took no.13 so lifang cannot they any-oh-how change for her cep was sooo boring dunno do watt chinese old old lesson? i oso dun noe the hell he tokin...lyk crap lyk tat...nvm...but i copied alot of notess, in case nid them n i nv listen to teacher.maths was lin went tru the ratio ting...oso got hw...):i dun lyk hw.Recess???i ate terriyaki chix rice...wif green n lifang sat at a little table ourselves...chattin.bought my brush set...cos iforgot o bring mine left at, i tot of refundin the one tat hasn't been used.$12.90 ley.not MUST REFUND.Art class was funnn...we learnt how to use brush strokes...draw lines...circles n dots...wif flat 10 n round 8!but baddd ting happened.i lost my brush.NOLAJUSKIDDIN! NOPE...I REALLY LOST IT.i was cleaning my brushes...i left it near the sink.then i went back for ,my palette...theni flat 10 n round 8 are GONE!oooo...nononono...there goes the end of my refund.then i tot lifang helped me wash n bring i came back to class.then i realised lifang din take my brushes!so i asked her to go up to art rm again wif me.we go in,we see 103.we go by back door, its locked.we go front door.then teacher told us to go to the nxt rm.then we were lyk...huh???"but the door is locked." "aiyo! go tru this door. tis door can slide-ee-e-e-e." teacher say.then wee tried slidin wun come off...stoopid.then teacher said, "turn it!"then we turned, really can open. (:lol. i heard smone say..."such noobs!"then me n lifang were laffin at ourselves...cos, we were lyk realli dumb n stoopid at tat moment??so we pon bit of eng lesson.gdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgd.eng we to the compre...sianz...lunch? played ppg wif marigold grapes.homec was slack.we finish our project liao so...we were tokin n lookin at others phone...exchangin n all sorts.then go hme...yining tell me go canteen wait for her.i go there. i saw her tokin wif jolene.i tot they wil wait for me.but they din.i tot yining was at smewhere else...i call her she nv pick up...then i g0o buy spicy drumlet lorrr.they say they at busstop.i rush there,they were gone.i told them i was at clementi mrt.she said she was at j.e.lucky she waited for me at j.e.hahas!!kk.i'm so daaaaaaaaaaammmed tired nw...not gonna do much hw today.byes!