Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Quiz Time:D
If you are single,why? - I AM SINGLE. no y.
Have you ever kissed anyone whose name start with a B? - nah~
Do you prefer warm or cold weather? - COLD! =D
Where did you last eat? -at home♥ MACS.
Where are you now?Are you happy there? -at home, YES. cos parents not around...HEHHEH...
Ever had a sleepover with the opposite sex? - my DAD?
Where did u buy your underwear you are wearing now? - EEEE.y u wan to noe? u PERVERT!
Where is your mobile phone? - on my table?
What is the biggest mistake of your life? - lying to anybody.
Where did you sleep last night? - my bedroom♥
What time did you go to sleep last night? - 10.30pm ; so daaamed early.
What/who woke you up? - my mummy. LOLs.
What is a/some common thing(s) that happens to you onweekend? - watching telly!! aiya not only weekend week day oso got... weekend more ley!
What are you listening to and by who? - lisrening to noting.
Have you been given an engagement ring? - hahas! NO.
Have you done anything in 2009 you regret so far? - yea...
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months without cheating? - i'm not a umfaithful person.
Who was the last person to make you laugh? - Evonne(:::::::::::::::::::
Anything annoying you right now? - no.
Have you done anything embarrasing lately? - YES! yesterdayyy... wil tell u ltr.
Do people make fun of your nationality? - my nationality is common in here...
Last time you showered? - erm... last morn...ooopsie! better bathe nw!!
Did you have a dream last night? - no. i was wishin to dream of my tv show character...but nv dream...SOBS.
Do you own a polo shirt? - yes.
Did you know peeling a wrapper off of a bottle,means your sexually active? - really? i tink tats crap.
Are you excited for winter? - I like winter. but apparantly NO winter in singapore ... =(
Have you ever been called Princess/Prince? - yepyep!
Do you wear make up everyday? - nope. during special occasions only :D
What's the connection between you and the last person who texted you ? - my mum -__-"
Have you ever been hit by the opposite sex? - yep. my father CANED me. LOL. din tink i was tat badd eh??
How's your life lately? - B.O.R.I.N.G.
Do you know anyone that is currently locked up? - um... MAS SELAMAT?
Have you ever dated someone longer than a year? -I never date before....
Do you thinks you are a good person? - I AM A GOOD PERSON! \O/
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? - i dun eat tomatoes. ):
Do you believe in love at first sight? - no.
Do you hate the last girl you were talking to? - why should I hate my mum?
Do you hate the last boy you were talking to? - um...hu?
When is the last time you took a nap? - i dun take naps.
Who was the last person you talked to on phone? - yining.
Who was the last person to comment your myspace/friendster? - facebook?
Who was the last person to send you a friends request on myspace/friendster? - facebook?
What was on your mind mostly today? - erm...LOTUS LANTERN <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333>
Do you miss anyone? -YES.
Is there a place you'd like to visit? - NHHS.
Have you held hand with anyone in the past 48 hours? - YEP.
What are you doing tomorrow? - tmrs a wednesday. LOTUS LANTERN??
A- ?
B- Bee Leng
C- ?
D- Dad ( :D)
E- Emily Tay
F- Felicia
G- Gladys
H- Han Xin
I- ?
J- Jemaine
K- Kai Qing
L- Lee Ting
M- Mary♥
N- Ning Huan
O- Ong Li Fang
P- ?
Q- Quek Wan Lin
R- ?
S- Shirlene
T- Tay Evonne ;D
V- Vivian
W- Wen Xse
X- Ximing
Y- Yi Ning
Z- Zoey
1) Can R and T be together? (? and Tay Evonne) - hus R?
2) What's F's favourite number? (Felicia) - dunnoe?
3)Does H has a pet? (Han Xin) - Dun think so.
4) Is A a male or a female? (?) - ???
5) How is Y related to you? (Yining) - BFFs? (:
6) Do you have B's number? (Bee Leng) - nope.
7) Do you love anyone in the list of names? - I love my friends~
8) Does W have a crush on you? (Wen Xse) - nah~ both of us arent les.
9) Does S know who you have a crush on? (Shirlene) - i have no crush. (:
10) What is Q's favourite drink? (Quek Wan Lin) - Bubble Tea?
11) Does D have a handphone? (Dad) - erm...wait . he has one. nonono. 2. eh! got 3! aiya! have FOUR hps...-___-"
12) Is J a christian or a buddhist? (Jemaine) - I think she's a buddhist?
13) Does N know any secrets about you?(Ning Huan) - i dunnoe.
14) What is E's hobby? (Emily) - hahas! erm... BOF??
15) Where is Z now?(Zoey) - Should be at home bahs.
16) What is X's school?(Ximing) - Nan Hua High School.
17) Is C your future stead? (?) - I DUN STEAD WIF A ?.
18) What is O's name?(O) - Ong Li Fang . <333333333333333>