wowo. heys...sori i can only be online nw...
todae was rather nice...
i slept at around 12.30am yest...
n lai chuang till...erm...10.45pm todae...
soo...i woke up, seein a plate of nasilemak for me.
the packet wrote:
we have cooked in a special way tatthe food would still be fresh till 11am.
i looked at the time. ELEVEN'O'CLOCK!!!
so i hurried gobbled the food.
harhar...watched a movie while eatin toos!!
then i spent my whole day at my desk...
doing my geog hw.
i finished the ws and review ex 2-4 liao.
ex 5 i intend tonite after dinner do...
so now is PLAY TIMEE!!! YAYYY!!!
so shiok... i'm so happy...
but i still quite scared physics hw...
still dun dare touch yet...
cos i hate calculations...
very tough ley...
i'm only twelve years old!!! :(
yup. n i found my old blog.
n my *other blog*
hohoho. so happy ley...
yay...i'm hungry nw...
i tink i goin dinner so...