Friday, June 5, 2009
 The nite starts off...with the bright full moon...glistening in the dark dark sky...shining its light all over the corners of the world. a family of three goes to a village for fishing...if that doesn't sound appetising to you, u may just scram and go away. let me continue... they went to jurong hill's tiny prawn village, for... PRAWNING OF COURSE!! so...yiling helped her father catch 5 prawns!!! yayay!! hahas...happy ending...not yet...  HAHAHAHA!!! daddy munchin on wasabi potato chips...relax harr??  one act cute... the other? act cool.  wooohoooohooo!!! our prawns!!  looks very magical i noe... u wait. i enlarge for u to see.  got mould and fern growin on it one!!  at last... a romantic scenery for three of the TOP of jurong hill!!! YAYAY! and thats the end ofour story...NO MORE!!!! ___________________________________________________________________ HAHAS. well... nw then i can find time to blog. wowo! caught a total of 22+2 prawns today. why plus two leh? bcos one very good man give us 2 prawns...say he fish for fun!! yayays!! tis morning i woke up at 8am, cos today my mum nv work...must wake up early for breakfast mah! ate wanton noodles at jurong east! yummy! afternoon?? chiong all the way through my geog ex5 n geog ws!! finally i finished ALL my geog hw... sooo happy! um...then go play com for a while... then must go prawing liao... went to someplace to eat mince meat noodles...BLEGH! not nice lorh! after tat, we go to the "village" for prawining... bought packets of potato chips and cans of soft drinks there to enjoy... i still rmb-ed... hahas. i help my father prawn. then i felt a really STRONG tug. wowo.... then i pulled the fishin rod up...then i dunnoe y ley...the string of the rod cannot control one... then the poor prawn must have suffered from concussion... i swung the string so hard.. i tot the prawn omost fly out... LOL hahas! swingswingswing... the poor prwn get caught enough unlucky liao... still get concussion...head dizzy dizzy... oh poor thing... haha! then we went up to the jurong hill to see the "scenery" wowo.. we climb climb climb... see no "shan" ley... i was askin many times... "where got hill??" haha so fake lorr...climb hill lyke climb carpark. =.=" then we climb higher n higher n i suddenly stop y??? cos... infront of me, i saw 6 lovebirds, eaqch at one special corner, take picture, i smile at u...u smile at me... quite eeewww!!!! eeeee..... disgusting ley hahas!!! SO TAT'S FOR ALL!! ~stay tuned!!~