Wednesday, June 3, 2009
1: Are you single- I AM...
2: Are you happy- u wan me to cry meh?
3: Are you bored- sometimes cos of the hw...
4: Are you fair- i'm erm... NORMAL kays?
5: Are you Italian- i'm a singaporean...
6: Are you intelligent- i'm not such a genius myself...
7: Are you honest- hu doesn't lie in their whole wide life is probably a nerd...
8: Are you nice- i am to all my frens but i can turn very nasty oso horr... TRY ME!!
9: Are you Irish- I TOLD U I'M A SINGAPOREEAN!!!
10: Are you Asian- OF COX!
Ten facts
1: Full Name : Loh Yi Ling
2: Nicenames: Lingling
3: Birth Place : Singapore.
4: Hair Colour : VERY dark brown
5: Natural hair style : Curly.
6: Eye colour : Dark brown??
7: Birthday : 22nd August 1996!! =)
8: Mood : sian...haiz...
9: Favourite colour : Brown
10: One favourite place you like to visit : Anisands (dun ask where...its my imaginary soft toy island) hehes! =p
1: Have you been in love - NO...
2: Do you believe in love at the first sight - no such thing...needs time
3: Do you currently have a crush - CURRENTLY NO.
4: Have you ever been hurt emotionally - if u havent... u must be some kind of deity...
5: Have you ever broken someone heart - i have...n i fixed it again...
6: Have you ever had your heart broken - Yup...but i forgave her...
7: Have you ever liked someone but never tell them - I care too much for my pride( n i wan to change)
8: Are you afraid you Commitment - depends on wat type of commitment.
9: Who was the last person you hug - Mama!
10: Who was the last person you said i love you to - erm... my soft toys?? DUN LAUGH!!! OR I'LL KILL U!
1: Love or lust : Love
2: Hard liquor or beer : WATS HARD LIQUOR? i dun take gassy drinks...
3: Cats or dogs : CATS!! lurve ya baby!
4: A few best friends or any regular friends : best frens of cox!!
5: Creamy or Cruncy : Cruncy. rmb tis. yiling hates cream.
6: Pencil or Pen : Pen. more professional.
7: Wild night out or romantic night in : wild nite out!!! yiling abit the gila one u dun noe meh??
8: Money or Happiness : Happiness
9: Day or night : Day. i can accomplish more things. i hate darkness.
10: IM or phone : Phone!!!
1. Been caught sneaking out - i sneak out al the time n i nv got caught. n I'M PROUD OF MYSELF!
2. Seen a polar bear - ERM...ON TV??
3. Done something you regret - hu hasn't?
4. Bungee jumped - huh???
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - all the time... anyway the floor is i step one mah! i eat my own food cannot meh??
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker - wats a jaw breaker??
7. Been caught naked - yup!!! n i'm proud of it! i hapened on 22/08/1996. mind u. i was just born!!
8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back - nope.
9. Cried because you lost your pet - my rabbits are WELL-TRAINED mind u!
10. Wanted to disappear - Yep...from all the HOMEWORK!!
1. Smile or eyes - eyes.
2. Light or dark hair - dark haired
3. Hugs or kisses - hugs
4. Shorter or taller - taller.
5. Intelligence or attraction - ATTRACTION
6. Topman or Zara - wat top man?? i topgirl ley!
7. Funny or serious - both. i hate those happy-go-lucky ppl... at the right time la!!
8. Older or younger -Older.
9. Outgoing or quiet - Outgoing.
10. Sweet or bad - normal....i dun really lyke sweet things...erm... maybe salty?? bad things aern't good for the stomach. expire liao may get diarreoh... must be careful...
1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - AHEM. LET ME BOAST GAINS. i performed on racial harmony, teacher's day n NDP since i was P4?? i even acted in a musical (public)
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - was FUNN!!
3. Ever tried walking on your hands - ERM... i din succeed n i still try it??
4. Ever been to a rock concert - nope.
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team - nope.
6. Ever been on a dance team - ya.... look at Q1... got voice recordin...blabla...dancin...n actin!!
7. Ever been on a sports team - not really.
8. Ever been in a drama play/production - school held a musical at the UCC... Chris Galiston and te Seven Seeds.
9. Ever own a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bently - cars?? u wait. just give me 5 more years. U WAIT HORRHS!!
10. Ever been on a rap video - u kiddin hu?? NO LA!!
1. Last phone call you made - lifang? bffs foreva!!
2. Last person you hugged - my mum.
3. Last person you hung out with - Emily
4. Last time you worked - i slacked.
5. Last person you talked to - mummy
6. Last person you IM'd - huh??
7. Last person you texted - gladys
8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with - MAMA!! =))
9. Last person/thing you missed - Gladys...♥
10. Last website visited - tely-drama-girl!!
1. Real name → Loh Yi Ling
2. Nickname(s)→ Lingling =.="
4. Zodiac sign → Leo! becareful. yiling bites!!
5. Male or female → Female.
6. Elementary → Yew Tee Primary!!
7. Middle School → Nan Hua High School♥
8. University → haven yet la!!! U WAIT!!
9. Friends → lifang...gladys...blabla...
10. Hair color → Dark brown.
11. Long or short Hair → medium.
12. Loud or Quiet → EXTREMELY LOUD??
13. Sweats or Jeans → nope. shorts.
14. Phone or Camera → phone.
15. Health freak → i'm a carnivorous.
16. Drink or Smoke? → y whould i do aniting lyke tis??
17. Do you have a crush on someone? → NEVERRRR!!!!
18. Eat or Drink → both...
19. Piercings → nope...
20. Tattoos → never! just spoils my skin!
23. First piercing → INJECTIONS. P1... hahas
24. First best friend → EMILY!! we are bff leh!!
25. First award → fancy dress 2nd prize... i was SIX
26. First crush → crush...chen han wei... =p
27. First pet → 2 bob-lyked fishes
30. First big birthday → six years my house...
49. Eating → Nothing.
50. Drinking → Nothing.
52. I'm about to → erm...pull my fringe back?? >.< 53. Listening to → "Our Song" by Taylor Swift 54. Plans for today → shoppin. 55. Waiting for → 16th june. me n gladys wil be hangin out!! YOUR FUTURE: 58. Want kids? → yup. 59. Want to get married? → yup.60. Careers in mind → Actress from Mediacorp Channel 8!!! woohoo!!68. Lips or eyes → Eyes.70. Shorter or taller? → Taller. 72. Romantic or spontaneous → Spontaneous!!73. Nice stomach or nice arms → EEUUWW!!! none.74. Sensitive or loud → Loud. 75. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship. 76. Trouble maker or hesitant → TROUBLE MAKER!!HAVE YOU EVER: 80. Lost glasses/contacts -> p1... 81. Ran away from home → yes... i was SIX bu dong shi...
82. Held a gun/knife for self defense →A KNIFE... for cookin... 83. Killed somebody → haha. very funny!! HAHA!!! 84. Broken someone's heart → i tink so... >.<
85. Been arrested → no la...i very guai one...
87. Cried when someone died →have u ever heard of WARM-BLOODED??DO YOU BELIEVE IN:
89. Yourself → Yes.
90. Miracles → Yes. 91. Love at first sight → no.
92. Heaven → maybe??93. Santa Claus → no.
94. Male Nipples → EUUUUWWW!!!! GROSS!!!
95. Kiss on the first date → I am more confined.
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now → yes...
98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → i'm smilin =D
99. Do you believe in God → yes.
1. What is your favourite soft toy?- Mary Meyer (a few of u noe hu it is...u dun noe de hua...dun ask me...nvm la...)
2. What is your favourite cartoon charactor?-Chip n Dale 3. Who was your first best friend?-emily!!! 4. Who was your first girlfriend/boyfriend?- What was your first trip to?- Malaysia.
6.What is your favourite pets?- cats n bunnies!
7. Do you like going to school?- YESSSS!!!
8. Do you like studying?- when i'm bored.
9. What is your favourite subject?- biology!!
10. Which teacher do you hate most?- dun force me say ley!! i cun tell!!! 11. Who was your first enemy?- me no enemies!!
12. Do you think you are lucky to be born?- i am not lucky to be born. i am FATED to be born.
13. Do you hate the way you are now?- NO WAYY!!
14. Who was your first teacher?- Teacher Rashida??
15. Do you have a pet right now?- my two pet rabbits---Winksy n Dinksy!!
16. Did you ever thought what would you be like a few years later?- all the time...
17. What is your hobby?- Bloggin.
18. Who is your favourite singer/band right now?- Joi Chua
19. What is your nickname?- Lingling!
20. Would you like to have a trustworthy best friend ever in your life?- yes. n i have found her.~~~~~~~~~heys. those hu wan to do this post just do horrhs.... lifanggladysn emilyu three horr... better do!!! or i'll kill u!!hahas. jk la...thx evonne for tis quiz!! ~~~~~~