Sunday, May 31, 2009
WOW... i am so daamn tired... got FREE feet massagin... no la... went for shoppin at jurong point todae... frm 12+ shop till 6.45pm... u see?? i bought a ___(cannot tell u. sorries) n a new jacket... lazy take pic... u dun ask me. went to "THE WALLET SHOP"... i wanted to buy a pouch n a bagg... i was sooo the tempted... but din... currently chattin wif emily nw... TRU MSN... i met my exclassmate there too... i cun be bothered to do my hw liao lah... i do three hw liao leh!! still have so many... SIAN...haiz...just slack lorr yup... i still rmbed tat when i was walkin todae, a dark-skinned man wearin a pink shirt kept starin at me... dun noe wats wrong... freaked me out... nw i watchin "AI" veli the nice on leh! u all must watch horr! =)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
had piano todae... wel, todae teacher say i play quite well... well... OF COX LA!! U SPEAKIN TO LOH YI LING LEH! i'm so proud. say congrats. but i'm oso veli scared, cox my piano exams r comin tis july n i hardly practice... must make use of hol time lorrh! i made a name keychain for myself in yewteepoint... quite nice... i guessed we went home after tat... carried lots of NTUC bags... veli the heavy... n lots of cardboard boxes (lyke karanguni horrh) for my rabbits... hahas. did some maths hw... msned wif vivian... thx evonne for the blogskin... but i dun realli lyke mickey mouse soo... sorries! but i got tis blogskin from the blogskin u chose for me... no more... hahas! u all noe my position liao?? kay la... no.13 la!! i'm so damn proud bout myself!
Friday, May 29, 2009
WENT FOR PTC TODAE...woke up at 7 am todae... considered tat as very early as it is sch hols... wow... had macdonalds for breakfast! then reached 105 classroom... see jemaine, kaiqing n zoey sittin around mdm leong, chattin wif her... jem asked me if i wanted mdm leong or ms ng... of cox i said _____. then it turned out i only failed one subject... ELIT... damn it... everything A1, B3,B4,C5, suddenly one F9... kind of discouraging... but i'll score better nxt time!!! ate gummies n chocox while discussin... then went to lot one to shoppin... wanted to buy a myuk bag... but noting for me leh... noting much today la... just the ptc period lorh... i will miss u mdm leong!! i lurve u!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Kitties! the stray kittie living under my block  i lurve the two kitties...they were about to fight before i took their pics!  the fisrst kittie at farmmart...     pretty huh??  the second kitty from farmmart. sorries! FLASH!  U hav such bigg eyes! adorable!  lookin down?? look up!  lookin for food round the seafood restaurant  handsome!  waa!! u noe where the cam is!  ___________________________________________________________________ today's morn assembly was damn scary... dr foo was scoldin us on our attire, and our attitude... and the ting bout the friendliest principal n the fiercest principal.. switching the ball to the extreme... hahas. PE lesson, din play captain's ball... went to support yining!! Maths I din even bother to listen.... i wrote my message to mdm leong and passed on... very sian.... my picture looked very nerdy... =( Recess ate rice wif egg and koroyok i tink, i pronounced it lyke at mah! with GREEN TEA. lifang faced a jam while queuing up... Assembly sian... but the angmor boy boy was sooo damn cute!!! he shoke my hand!!!! yayays!! English go com lab...see wat news casting n one sided ting... Lunch just drank someting...FORGOT... CEP cleared the tables n chairs for tmr's ptc... I HOPE I GET MDM LEONG!!! MUSE project slakced again... went youtube... searched for lyrics... went bloggin n ferry-halim... yup. learnt how to use virtual effects... cool lorrh!!!! invited jemaine, gindelin & yining to join my car ride home... jemaine n gin were smsin... n everyone was laughin... my locker's empty nw! then reach bpp, send jemaine home... then reach gin's block... she alight... then me n yining left... she on the Our Song song... n we were singin... yup... then bye byess.. went for dinner at farmmart... tat's all... byes!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Heys!! Today was damn scary the morn assembly... i today rsh to sch cun be bothered to tuck in my shirt, then, mr liu n ms loy did a THOROUGH attire check one pupil by onepupil, class by class... i was so nervous.. i guessed alot of ppl oso ma shang tuck in, unfold, pull socks, pin fringe. hahas. i very perfect. just the fringe n the shirt la...i very rush today u noe?? lucky i pass the test...PHEEW! but lots of 105boys got caught...
home ec class, we found a group, me, yining, jolene, jemaine n joaquim!! yaays! then we doin puppet show-tv commercial with a jingle. hahars! we gu yi one. we dun let u all take our tv com!! the jemaine come out with an idea to sabo jolene be leader. HAHAs. Jolene, hope u not angry horrr... i still wil teach u the cbox ting one... n yining, u too!!! tmr...kays?? Recess. ate rice wif harsh browns and tofu. wif green tea. thx evonne!! History todae was mr khoo's last day wif us... i'll miss him!! as a teacher... i forgot to key in his hp no. n msn... can anyone give me in sch?? >.< Maths SOOO BORING! i passed!!!!!!! YESYESYESSSSS!!!!!!!! by half mark... but better than noting rite?? cun believe i passed my maths!! but later teacher go tru corrections me n yining go pon class. we go toilet, the squat toilet do the "u noe" then hahas... yining... u were doing a silly "ACTION" when i sang the stoopid shaolin warrior song... STOOPID LA... the both of us!! :D ICT harr?? teacher say some grp must present, me n lifang kana called up, so sian... then we went for bloggin... taught jolene some blogging skills...Went home wif yining, we were toking about the skirt... haha... then i ask her check for me, n she ask me check for her, HAHAs. we went lot one together, went HELEN to meet my mum, looked at some necklaces. followed her buy a new schol shoe... yining! u got gd taste. tis a compliment!then i go toilet, come back see emily... go toilet "u noe" then got 2 other aunties and me n emily n my mum. we ate together in delifrance, ate breaded fish pasta. nice but i din finish it... anyway 5.90 only wat! still hav mushroom soup n iced lemon tea leh! then we "eloped" all over lot one, first go minitoons, see soft toys n keychains... lurve them... jolene! saw ur fave tortoise!! n then we go to comic connections, noting leh, yup...i told her i wanted a new pencil case... n i got one. from the wallet shop. nice anot?? u tmr go see la! we were like so scared our mum catch us... hahas. fun la. then we go back helen, all our muma caught us... yup. back to yew tee. we go yew tee, again secretly" eloped" to Mi-O-Gift see bags and toys... bought same breakfast. "EXTRA SUGARED DONUTS!!" yup. tat's all! byes! will post pics of my p-case next post!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
heys today was sooo fun!!PE- din go play netball, go support jinlin in shuttle run, yining in STB and liping in sit ups. SLACK LA... veri tired mah!! yining must jiayou!! u must get gold...ur jiejie got confidence in u! congrats jinlin on gettin gold!! HCL- teacher teach new lsson... heng la! today teacher never call me to stand up and read. jonathan gets asked to stand up...harhar... yining??ELIT- Mr fonseka do what Lenny thing.RECESS- bought rice wif chix n eggtofu! GREEN TEA.GEOG- boring...MALAY- stay in classroom slack, help lifang tear her "table" up, and did arm wrestling wif jemaine. we almost equal strength, but i nearer to wining her! LUNCH- forgot what i did... guessed i drank lemon barley.BIO- still so sad for ms loy...CAN U DUN LEAVE US?? ACC- sooo funn!! did calligraphy!! yays! so long never play wif brush liao! =)MUSE PROJECT-slack slack n more slack. jolene do all the things...i just do recording n teach lifang the blog" secrets" harhar! i pro wat!went home wif evonne, shirlene, kaiqing, zoey, yining and jolene... met gindelin halfway... wanted to go home wif the both of them... but in the end... the four of us waited at the wrong placses, we cannot find orr SEE each other...give up liao...go home ourselves...kays...i tink no more liao. YAYAYAYAYAYS!!!! tmr may go shopin wif my GF, emily!!! YES! I'm goin to broke myself!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
TAG REPLIES! jonathan: u better tell me tmr...cos i da gai noe hu u are. jonathan: u guy meh? i tink ur a girl though. jonathan: "jonathan" dun worry. i will put lots of joajoa pics for u!! "Zhu ren wei kuai le zhi ben"...>.< jonathan: competition liao. jonathan: obviously, jonathan, i noe you're not u la! i noe hu u r but i'm not gonna expose you. n mind u. i'm not anybody's wife. spammer: i hate you too. spammer: thx for loving me! i noe i very lovable. spammer: okay...i really like spammers but hey hu else can you be? yining: nvm..i'll be waiting. Yi NIng: hahas. poor vivian :( Yi NIng: so you're the spammer? Yi NIng: i update my blog 3-4 times on weekends DAILY. Yi NIng: print liao. dun worry. .Yi NIng: no la... my mum okay liao. d'idiot who HATES NOOBS: so what if i suck? ur BUSS-SEE-NESS meh?
Sunday, May 24, 2009
i tink today is just not my day. i've been having cold war with my mum this morning till evening. now for no reason she scold me for leaving my clothes behind and not throwing them into the laundry basket. sory to say this but sometimes, i just HATE her! i'm already so bursted she has to irritate me. and oways interrupt me tru the phone. damn it la! then she remove my sofa from my room. the sofa is like my second bed. hu cares? then she remove all my soft toys. BOO HOO! i'm not gonna let this bother me. as if i care lorr... i may love all my soft toys, but i care more about my pride, i tink. just because of a HANDPHONE THAT I BROUGHT TO JOGGING! to the hell, y are WOMAN so calculating? i wan to swear nw.. forgive me... n hey. Glad she know's she's a woman. PETTY!!! i alredy rang bu liao. whatmore she want? and i got so much things to do, ppl dun make mistakes one meh?? she make mistakes i oways dun tell her, still help her cover up. I make mistake, SHE SO CALCULATIVE! wat the **** she tell me. use finish phone must put back living room. i nv, kana scolded by her. she nv, act as if is "tian jing di yi de shi" shit la. she tell me. the water hose will leak if never close properly. she nv close, i oways see she nv close. I HELP HER CLOSE. she don't know! so she tink she PERFECT! i never close, she NAGNAGNAG!!!! DAMN IT! sometimes i feel like dying. can anyone cheer me up??
QUIZZIE!Write the names of 16 friends you can think in your mind and then answer the questions. 1: Yi Ning 2: Evonne 3: Joaquim 4: Jemaine 5: Shirlene 6: Kai Qing 7: Gindelin 8: Li Fang 9: Jin Lin 10: Vanessa 11: Yu Fang 12: Yi Lin 13: Vivian 14: Marvin 15: Kentley 16: Xavier 17. Hong Xiang 18. Han Xin 19. Jin Kind 20. Wei Sheng 21. Xi Ming 1. How did you meet 7? (Gindelin) NHHS 105!2.What would you do if you and 15 had never met? (Kentley)Then dun meet la! No BIG DEAL!3. What would you do if 20 and 1 dated? (Wei Sheng and Yi Ning)Congratulate them? but i doubt they'd be together. 4.Have you seen 17 cried? (Hong Xiang)Hong Xiang crying??? HAHAHAHAS. 5. Would 4 and 16 make a good couple? ( Jemaine and Xavier)Maybe yes, maaybe no...i really dunno.6. Do you think 11 is attractive? (Yu Fang)Hai okay la...7.What is 2's favourite colour? (Evonne)BLUE!!!! 8.When is the last time you talked to 9? (Jin Lin)Last Friday.9. What language does 8 speaks? (Li Fang)Chinese, English and Hokkien. 10.Who is 13 going out with? (Vivian)nobody??11. Would you ever date with 17? (Hong Xiang)NO WAYY!!! ARE U KIDDING ME?? THAT WOULD BE THE TALK OF THE DAY! 12.Where does 18 lives? (Han Xin)Dunno leh... 13.What is the best thing about 4? (Jemaine)She is humourous!14.What would you like to tell 10 right now? (Vanessa)um...nothing?15.What is the best thing about 11? (Yu Fang)She is very helpful.16. Have you ever kissed 2? (Evonne)no...we aren't les. 17.What is the best memory you have of 5? (Shirlene)OOPS! forgot! sorries...18. When is the next time you will be seeing 4? (Jemaine)Tomorrow. 19.How is 7 different from 6? (Kai Qing and Gindelin)Kai Qing has short hair and Gindelin has long hair??20.Is 2 pretty?( Evonne)Yes!! 21.What is your first impression of 15? (Kentley)A lame, childish, loud, irritating, boastful, naughty student. no offence! 22.How did you meet 3? (Joaquim)NHHS 105!23.Is 15 one of your best friends? (Kentley)You can say yes.24. Do you hate 12? (Yi Lin)Hey! Why would I ever hate her?? 25.Have you seen 18 in the last month? (Han Xin)Yeah? I see him every weekday. we are classmates. 26.When was the last time you saw 16? (Xavier)Last Friday.27. Have you been to 5's house? (Shirlene)Nope! 28.When is the next time you will see 10? (Vanessa)Tomorrow.29. Are you close to 11? (Yu Fang)Quite close...30.Have you been to the movie with 1? (Yi Ning)No... but want to arrange soon. 31.Have you gotten any trouble with 8? (Li Fang)Li Fang's my wife! We've gone tru wedding rituals! We haven't even quarreled? 32.Will you give 19 a hug? (Jin Kind)NO WAY! but somebody will...33. When have you lied to 3? (Joaquim)No... 34.Is 11 good in socializing? (Yu Fang)Sure! She has loads of frens!35. Do you know a secret about 8? (Li Fang)I don't know SECRETS of Lifang. She doesn't even have secrets? She spills them all out.36. Describe the relationship between 12 and 18. (Yi Lin and Han Xin)they are just classmates. 37.What's the best thing about your friendship with 9? (Jin Lin)She's easy to be with.38.What's the worst thing about 6? (Kai Qing)She is too emo?? 39.Have you ever have a crush with 12? (Yi Lin)Hello? Do i even look homosexual to you? 40.How long have you know 2? (Evonne)About 6 months.41. Does 11 have any boy or girlfriend? (Yu Fang)How would I know? 42.Have you ever wanted to punch 1 in the face? (Yi Ning)Yea! Whenever she makes me terribly angry or when i'm being greatly acused or ignored by her. 43.Has 21 meet your parents? (Ximing)Nope.44. How did you meet 11? (Yu Fang)NHHS 105! 45.Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3? (Joaquim)I hope not... 46.Do you live close to 7? (Gindelin)Yea. Quite close.47. What is 8's favourite food? ( Li Fang)Bread.48.What kind of car does 1 have? (Yining)NO CAR... she's underage.49.Have you ever travelled anywhere with 9? ( Jin Lin)no... 50.If 14 had $100, what would he/she spend it on? (Marvin)EASY LA! He would go geylang. at least that's what i tink
1. Chen Han Wei 2. Zhu Hou Ren 3. Shaun Chen 4. Tay Ping Hui 5. Zhang Yao Dong 6. Christopher Lee 7. Pierre Png 8. Terrence Cao 9. Qi Yu Wu 10. Bryan Wong TAT'S ALL BB!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
how do people actually fall out bcos of small little things? why must they take things so seriously and cun let go? bcos everyone has different character problems?? but...when someone gives in, she would be at the losing end. if she doesn't and persist her way, things would never end. would u end ur life to stop end this whole quarrel? will you? and when she gives in, you ignore her and pretend that you're still the boss when you did wrong? how could you? you have hurt my feelings two times in the morning. left me alone in that little corner have you ever seen my tears? yes you did. but have you seen my tears this morning? tears of grieve because you hate what i did? i did nothing wrong legally...but you took that as a serious crime and forbid me to ever do it again. why? ___________________________________________________________________ i cried today. i cried while jogging. people were looking at me. i dun car cos i wan ppl to noe wat u've done to make me cry i dun hate you ut love you instead. but i noe you care for me. but it's all too extreme, i can't accept it. i don't mean to be rude, i'm sorry but you didn't care about me! i told you what i wanted you to do this morning. just to bring me to the park and enjoy the breeze. but you paid no attention to me. i almost wanted to give up. did you actually know how i felt? you don't KNOW! You brought me there finally, i almost suffocated. there was a lump of anger in me. i dashed along the route as fast as i could, trying to forget all of this. tears were streaming down my cheeks. thinking back, it was just a small matter that won't bother my life. it turned out into a silent quarrel, a cold war between me and her. i didn't quarrel with him for we aren't that close but WE were close... we stared at each other hard, no one wanting to let go of the string. i gave in first but she was so snobbish. she glared at me and walked off. leaving me alone in that silent park. i knew she didn't carry her handphone. i was scared she couldn't find me and wasn't at home. i waited for her at the centre i told her i would be at.. she didn't come. i walked around the park many times but didn't see her still. tired and hopeless, i set off home. it was so unfair. she was already safe and sound and i had waited ages for her. she still dared to ignore me... we went to a shopping centre together i tagged along to wherever she wanted to go... but no one spoke a word... i didn't look at her and she didn't as well. finally i was sick and tired of her attitude. i ran off. to where i wanted to be. i went for some window shopping for i was penniless. the shopkeepers gave me warm smiles and that cheered me up alot. much better than her.. we finally meet at somewhere else... we went home again we still didn' talk. AND THAT'S ALL BCOS I BROUGHT MY HANDPHONE TO JOGGING!!!is all this worth it?? no, i say.but i learnt somethinggiving in might not solve all might make that problem tougher to solve instead.two may make it easier and softer,but who knows?
TV NEWS!i'm just posting pics of some of my favourite actresses... the pics aren't in order. FELICIA CHIN
APPLE HONGi'm pretty sure most of eu would choose jeanette rite? Among my fave 10 actresses i like ann kok the most...dunnoe y, dun ask me. TOP 10 FAVE ACTRESSES( in order) 1. ANN KOK 2. JEANETTE AW 3. FANN WONG 4. YVONNE LIM 5. JESSECA LIU 6. JOANNE PEH 7. WAYNE CHUA 8. PAIGE CHUA 9. FELICIA CHIN 10. APPLE HONG
"MediaCorp's Chinese language drama "Little Nyonya has rated in massive ratings to become the most watched Channel 8 drana in the past 15 years. This series attracted an average of 993000 viewers over one month that it was aired."
Friday, May 22, 2009
  tis my new wallet, promised eu the pic.   my new bag!! it's black n white, i lurve it!!! the kitties are so cuuuute!! heys i was somewat angry wif mr lou n his maths e-quiz. why i tot my ans are correct then they mark me wrong??? then i tikam tikam i get correct??? then end up i only get 25% for that quiz. very irritatin... URRGGGGH!!!!! i'm tinking of cutting my hair n rebonding it. cos i oways cun wake up in the morning n still hav to tie hair... no time and i dun feel like waking so early anymore... had piano lesson jus nw, did sight-reading, i tink i wil fail sightread la... saw my old fren germaine, but she not exactly my fren la... i oso dun realli like her cos tat time when i treated her nice, she hurted my feelings. so i dunn care about her nw...i'm being hostile to her... oh yea!!! i bought a cattie bag!!! ___________________________________________________________________ TV SPECIALS! n hey gals, moon fairy "ben yue" is currently showing on sat n sun, from 2.30pm-3.30pm. fann wong acting as chang'er and christopher lee as hou yi. ENJOYs!!!
  some pics for euu....    i lurve the word zhui yuan...meaninful..  lurve those shoes!!!! heard that this outfit on top was what yuzhu( joanne peh) wore in the show, little nyonya.
peranakan museum
 jemaine, joaquim and zoey!!  ms betty wee, our tour guide.  our class on the school bus.
... .... ...... ....... ........ ...... .... .. Mr Peter Tan in his macho pose!! and guess hu...u noe it. the hair is obvious. went to the peranakan museum todae...quite fun...tot would see jeannette aw there but din, somehow disappointed...SIGH! but the batik designs were really beautiful, so delicate and precise, i tot machines made them. most of all, i luv the beaded shoes!! the "zhui yuan" word was my fave la... means something like remembering what ur ancestors have done for u, like "yin shui shi yuan" ya...smth lyke tat. wanted to go museum shop buy someting but no time, n teacher dun let us go buy souvenniers!!! BOOHOO! ____________________________________________________________________ well, real postin time. chi teacher siao siao one, i nv tok, he punish me read one passage for tokin. recess: finally had chance to eat mee goreng from the yummy noodles stall!!! not bad! physics was boring, learnt bout work done n how to calculate it. bio: i wanted to cry!!! ms loy is leavin all of us!!! her bf go states to study then she follow him!!!! like for 3 years?? she teaches us so well, i tink i'll miss her badly...the reason why she dun wan teach sec 4 is bcos she knew all along she would be leaving the school. so if she teach sec4 then suddenly leave them, the sec4 will veri cham one leh! lunch: just marigold grape history lesson slacked while listenin to presentation. english lesson go com lab slack again... still have to do reflection leh! dun forget... tat's all lor! will show u pics i took bout the museum in nxt post... nw very tired. BYES!