Friday, May 22, 2009
  tis my new wallet, promised eu the pic.   my new bag!! it's black n white, i lurve it!!! the kitties are so cuuuute!! heys i was somewat angry wif mr lou n his maths e-quiz. why i tot my ans are correct then they mark me wrong??? then i tikam tikam i get correct??? then end up i only get 25% for that quiz. very irritatin... URRGGGGH!!!!! i'm tinking of cutting my hair n rebonding it. cos i oways cun wake up in the morning n still hav to tie hair... no time and i dun feel like waking so early anymore... had piano lesson jus nw, did sight-reading, i tink i wil fail sightread la... saw my old fren germaine, but she not exactly my fren la... i oso dun realli like her cos tat time when i treated her nice, she hurted my feelings. so i dunn care about her nw...i'm being hostile to her... oh yea!!! i bought a cattie bag!!! ___________________________________________________________________ TV SPECIALS! n hey gals, moon fairy "ben yue" is currently showing on sat n sun, from 2.30pm-3.30pm. fann wong acting as chang'er and christopher lee as hou yi. ENJOYs!!!