Tuesday, November 24, 2009
i hate actual shenhuas
no creativity.no imaginationonly bad at critisicing the goodn wacking the butts of the bad.yeah...so wat if erlang in real life was bad?hes stil my shi fu.n i only acknowledge himdamn storybooki had to do a book review todayn i did one on a kiddy book inside got alot of shenhua....in lotus lantern, they draw erlang so uglyly!!so bad rite.n they made him sound so evil....hu cares.stil my only shifu!!n yudi is actually pangu's sonn his sister is not yaoji!!is bai hua xian zi!!how can it be possible riteconfusin me.but pls. dun insult erlang.not worth it ley.i believe tat even he in heaven is bad,hes heart wil turn good smeday.i believe in erlang.(: