Saturday, November 14, 2009
                                                   The much-talked about mega production on the romantic fable that stars local luminaries Fann Wong and Christopher Lee as well as Taiwanese actors Jiao Enjun and Zhang Yuyan is finally snaking its way to our small screens! The Story In Short White Snake Spirit (Fann Wong) has been doing good deeds over a thousand years in her bid to attain immortality. When she learns of a certain Green Snake Spirit (Zhang Yuyan) going around seducing men for their mojo, she decides to take her under her wings. Despite her teachings, the unrepentant Green Snake goes on to incur the wrath of Monk Fa Hai (Jiao Enjun) by attempting to seduce him. Meanwhile, White Snake is also trying her hand at bringing the straying Xu Xian (Christopher Lee) onto the right path but finds herself falling for him instead. Will she sacrifice her immortality for him? And will Monk Fa Hai succeed in subduing the two snake spirits? Cast Bios White Snake Spirit/Bai Suzhen (Fann Wong) Everybody deems her as a demonic spirit but White Snake Spirit is in fact, as kind as it can get. She can even be emotional and humorous at times. To hasten the process of reaching mortality, she decides to turn herself into a mortal named Bai Suzhen to try to help more people so as to earn more merit points. Xu Xian (Christopher Lee)He was born into a wealthy family but was led astray by his brother-in-law. His doting mother grieves to her death when he eventually gambles away the family fortunes. Since then, Xu Xian becomes despondent and blames himself for his mother's death. Green Snake Spirit/Qing Er (Zhang Yuyan)Green Snake Spirit seduces men in the belief that they would help increase her demonic powers. When she shifts her attention on Monk Fa Hai, she almost risks losing her life if not for White Snake Spirit's timely intervention. To repay her, Green Snake vows to serve her forever. Shi Junbao/Monk Fa Hai (Jiao Enjun)Truth is, before he became a monk, Junbao had been seduced by Qing Er, Green Snake Spirit in disguise. So there's a love-hate relationship between the two but when he became Monk Fa Hai, he is bent on destroying all evil spirits, Green Snake Spirit included. 剧情概述: 杭州著名凶宅王府驻有青蛇精(张玉燕饰),妖娆多姿,专门从事摄取年轻男子元阳勾当,以增道行。 峨嵋山修炼千年的白蛇精(范文芳饰),热切期盼羽化登仙,日以继夜疲于奔命替天行道,降妖伏魔,以积功德。她知道杭州城里有青蛇为患,遂前往收妖。 青蛇发现青年石君宝(焦恩俊饰)有仙风道骨,欲诱他入瓮。那知石君宝乃金山寺住持无难禅师俗家弟子,定力非凡,青蛇虽然弄得灰头土脸,但仍然锲而不舍。 白蛇知道青蛇对石君宝虎视…