Friday, November 20, 2009
hi, i'm sorry
i'm sorry for hurling those vulgar ard in my last post...cun help it...i'm feelin btr nw...hahah....err...but my hp still not working ley...the left n right button cannot pressthe green button oso cannot....the up button arh? sme can sme cannot....=="wat to do rite?n i open my phone, inside like got water...patches of darkness in my phone...argh!anws,i'm lucky my contacts dn get erased or watever....evryting stil intact...damn it...i saw the news sayin tat singapores gonna be FLOODED wif RAINWATERtill....JANUARYeh. how i survive ah?SIGH....wat to do rite...i tink i'm abit crazy tinkin tat evry time it rains,is the tian bing tian jiang arrive to catch smebody...yeah...if tats the truth,U CAUGHT AT THE WRONG TIME!!my shoes got totally soaked, n my socks oso,n i stil rmb yest how me n my senior wok to nanhua,the "water" in our legs were like..."massaging" us.yeahI DUN LIKE THE IDEA OF FOC MASSAGE.erh...n u tink wil be flooding or explosion or wat? mind is getting off again...tinkin tat if it was a flood,it wld be RUOSHUI....frm "heaven"LOL. but i do believe so!lol. sigh...guys do u wish tat 2012 wil cme...i do wish so ley...LOL. i tink i goin sotsot le...HAHA(: