Monday, June 22, 2009
finished my ll!! (((:::
aiyo, i yest horr... dreamt of myself back in my primary years. i dreamt tat i was goin into a little hut... i saw barney. i saw barbie. i saw many olden tings... i walked into a room, they wanted to give me a little test. i saw tat, beside me, was a little girl, around age 4. they told me i had to take care of her. no matter what happens. n she musnt come in any other harm. i promised. n when i looked ahead i was at yew tee mrt station. i held the little girl by her palms. she led the way, runnin forward i couldnt stop her. so i followed her. we ran to a carpark. n bumped into a man around his 20s he told us to follow. i din noe wat controlled me. i just followed. we followed him. he brought us to a hill. he practically controlled our minds tat instant, bu when i suddenly realised tat he was a bad guy. n he was up to no good. i held the little girl's hands. i told her when the man wasnt lookin. " we shall find ur mummy. rmb wat we were supposed to do?" she responded. we ran n ran... without lookin back. i wanted to look back. but it din seem rite. i closed my eyes. we ran into a place. with screens n aircons n boards n crowds. i din noe yew tee got tis type of place one. then we met the lil girl's mum. they were brought back together. n i was her god sister!! yayays! but tis dream abit unrealistic n childish lah... but tis is all i'm gonna tell u. ___________________________________________________________________
went to sembawang the turtle hse for lunch today had it at 1.30pm nw is oledi 7.25pm. i'm still not hungry. maybe eat instant noodles ltr lorr...-__-" then we went to north point shoppin, not much leh... havin renovation... i wanted to buy a bag. but i'm savin those money, for ANOTHER BETTER BAG. muahahahahahahaha!!! XD
smetimes wat u reeeeaaaalllyyy wan, is wat u wun get n only when u give it up, it wld come to u...