Thursday, June 18, 2009
ooo...ltr going for bbq,so sad i not shoppin for groceries,aiya...i wanna join the fun,i'll be bringin my airball hahas!nope, tis doesnt sound too rite,um... beach ball.. kays. tis sounds more professional.n hahas! wil be playin badminton,wil be havin fun all around,n takin pictures (camwhore)wowo! i tink today wil be super fun,if not i stay at hme oso lyk dead de.hahas!n, bcos i realised tat today is a FRIDAYn tat lotus lantern wld be showin,oopsie, brought tat show up gains.cun help, i wen youtube tis morn to look at ep 32.i noe the whole story now.n watchin tis show makes me feel very happy!cjcjcjcjcjcjcjcjcjhahs!butdo you noey i lyk to watch re-played shows so much?costhey are only re-played once. n once u lose tis chance,u'll nv see tat show again. poof! it disappears.aiya...stil haven do my ll,slackin all day long,hahas!wil post ltr...bout the bbq! or maybe post tmr even! hahas!kk. bb.