Thursday, December 17, 2009
Weeee!TMR GOIN BATAM!!actually rite, nth to yay abt...sighBATAM AGAIN!!! last year batam le, tis year still batam...wonder wats wrong with the rc...darn...OWAYS BATAM...hmmm...maybe i shld do sme tings for the ll blog n vincent n caojun blog...cos i wil be away soon...):but i shall be back lol. k yeahnw i'm tokin crapwat shld i say rite?jus had a huge headache frm packin my clothes n stuff n yea...cos i was like a whole full cupboard of clothesbut nth to wear lol.kk...yeah tokin crap againbut wat else shld i say rite?n yeah...i wil miss madam white snake n all my tv shows...but hu caresi recorded them downshit i din revise my spelling today!!!oh well nvm, today relax larhtmr go overseas le!!!weeeeeeee!n my piano teacher jus gave me alot of stuff to revise too...):cos i march nxt year...havin piano theory...sobsso diff!! i have to memorise so much..sigh...n u call tis a HOLIDAYdarnyiling