Have u ever wondered...
children out there
sufferin frm so many diseases
includin cancer?
do u noe...
the feelings of how they felt...
but we cld all play a part....
well...today, i saw 3 ppl carryin bunches of flowers...
too bad not lotus if not i wld BUY THE WHOLE 3 BUNCHES!
one tulip for $2
even without the tulip
jus donating to help them...
is wat we all shld do...
u may tink quite ex for a dumb flower
foolish for sme ppl hu buy tat
but i can say
tat is a form of care
a form of love
for the unfortunate
u have nv even been into
if evryone
cld play apart
$2 can bcme alot for those needy children
they nid our help n therefore...
i felt
tat was nessacary
aft all...
even if u dun hav tat heart of gold...
u shld at least tink tis way
: the tulip is so pretty...

based on vincent's previous post...
sayin bout his fren havin a terrible hearthache
n him explaining
he had esperienced tat pain bfore...
n tat pain therefore refers to his wife...
n his separated children...
get over it bah...
lol. n i din tink u had so many bad points lol
got drunk n nao shi all ard
n tryin to kiss a man!!
n haha
high bp
lao hua yan
wat else?
realised i today really veli kong xian haha
so much time to post
post videos...
post links
post pics
evry ting oso can post