Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Moses, Raymond, Linda, Tavia, Bosco in New 40 Episode Series
 In producer Lau Ka Ho's new series, Moses Chan Ho will be acting as Ha Yu's illegitimate son and will help manage Ha's abalone business. However, Moses' image appeared to be very old-fashioned, as he wore black kung fu shoes. Moses explained that he wanted to convey a more traditional look.Other cast members include Yoyo Mung Ka Wai, Raymond Lam Fung, Linda Chung Ka Yan, Bosco Wong Chung Chak, Tavia Yeung Yi, Lai Lok Yi, Fala Chen, Wayne Lai Yiu Cheung, Lee Si Kei, Michelle Mai Shuet and last year's Miss Hong Kong 2nd runner-up, Carrie Lam Lei.Linda will be acting as a lawyer and will be in a love triangle with Moses and Raymond Lam. Reporters noted that Raymond is a rumors magnet, but Linda is not afraid, as there are rumors each time she acts in a series. Besides, Linda is able to remove herself from her character once she finished filming a series, thus not allowing herself to fall in love with her co-stars. Bosco and Tavia have just finished filming "Dou Cheung Fung Wan" and will be appearing as lovers again in the new series. Is Bosco afraid that there is no fresh feeling since he just worked with Tavia? Bosco said no, as they know each other quite well, which will only be an advantage in filming their romantic scenes.Aside from Linda, Carrie is another tall actress in the series. Although standing at 5 ft 11 inches, Bosco is afraid that the girls will appear taller than him. Bosco joked and said that he will make sure to tell Carrie not to stand next to him, or perhaps he will buy a pair of high heels to wear. In the series, Lai Lok Yi's mother will be a mistress. As there are many pretty actresses in this series, is Lai afraid that there will be rumors? He laughed, "Maybe you should ask the actresses if they are anxious, since I am considered handsome too." Lai also said that he has worked with all the actresses in the past before, so if there were rumors, they would have happened long before. Additional Updates:Tavia Yeung Yi will be playing a model in the series. She sported a refreshing Cleopatra hairstyle with bangs at the costume fitting yesterday. Tavia mentioned that she might wear a fake bust to enhance her curves this time as well, since she will be playing a model. Yoyo Mung Ka Wai mentioned that in the series, she will be pairing with Raymond Lam Fung as a couple. Yoyo mentioned that she will be playing the villian this time and will be stealing someone's boyfriend.Veternan actress, Lee Si Kei, will also be returning to TVB to film for this series. Since her leave, she was confused by the vast number of "new" actresses in the series. Si Kei pointed to Yoyo Mung Ka Wai and said, "I know she must be quite famous, as I recognize her face, but I don't know her name."
today was an interestin of sch had wat closure day ng so funny lin stil play wat football...=.="lol...i realised alot of teachers fold mdm chua...soooper obvious as her skirt sooper heard dr foo n his "buddies"toktoktok...blablabla...i'm not gonna listen...all sec4 tok anws...y shld i hear bout it rite?so...we were set off late for recess...but we got patch back the time larh...of cos...we ate nasi lemak...sat wif jem, vivian, yn n jol...the nasi lemak so awful...shld hav ordered roti prata...guess we made a wrong choice...aft recess was hist...then ng hair today so lesson...noting much...i used tis period to draw perv. stuffs on viv's bks again...drew on her history bk n her elit maths arh??sian le..stil got hw...:(went kfc for lunch wif lf, viv, vanes, yn, n jol again...stil rmb how we teased vivian...ya...n how u spoiled the cheese fries...which is sooper disgustin...EEEWWWhahaswent hme on the mrt with those above ppl again...wif them teasin me bout the pink dot on my noselol. i saw it. -__-"u ppl arhh...then went hme,realised my mum bought me the new barbie pls dun say i chidish hor...i am rojak tv person one...n btw, watchin barbie shows arent "Barbie and the Three Musketeers"LOLso nice loh...i love the way they fight...somersault in the air...use tat sword n fight fight fight..COOL SIA...i wan to do it too...n wat i learnt frm tat movie is " True courage is pursuein ur dreams although evryone says its impossible."(:
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
HIHI!!!ah qin here!!! today got three tests actually,then cut to two bcos physics teacher say no durin p.e. lesson...we played those battin n runnin omost homerun alr...then mun go blow his whistle n evryting stop.=.="then aft physics was recess...sat wif jol, melanie, lifang, vivian n yining....ate chicken rice...can stil rmb how melanie made a booboo...sayyin " i wan chix rice without rice...."LOL!!!aft recess was wat arh???OHHH!!! maths...learn wat stem n leaf ting.i drew perv tings on ALFRED/ZHIXIN'S maths bk AH...rmb to post on blog horr.i wil be checkin it.then HCL...dunno do wat fu sort of goin tru the words n bla...LUNCH.scary man...cos met ms ng at the canteen...then our attire is soooper bad... so...HAHAHAS!!!so elit class test ltr on...damn it. mr fonseka lied tat tat handout was a test...made me so KANCHIONG for test arh...i really's the test setter?i vow to kill him/her cos in the test paper got so many shenhua...NEVER WRITE BOUT MY LOTUS LANTERN...):n i tell u. if i'm not wrong.when nuwa patch the sky wif tat rainbow stone, she oso use the lotus lantern to put it there horr...then the rainbow stone is then erm...kept it mt. huashan...walao... the story nv even elaborateI SHALL REPEAT TIS ONE MORE TIME."if the exam arh...ttest be bout lotus lantern arh...i tell u. I SURE GET FULL MARKS ONE!!!!"SURE LEYY!!!aiyo...went hme wif jem, lifang, jol, yn n vivian...jem, lf n jol went to macs so we went hme ourselves...bought bought a floss bun, which the bread is so hard.LOUSY the mrt we started our REVISION...yep. vivian took out her maths bk n we revised the perv. shall!!!frm ur beloved,ahqin/ling li(:
Monday, September 28, 2009
SwimminLesson was a tiring day.n i mean it. cos first ting in sch was homec prac.testi fried FRIED RICE.but honestly, 65% of the work is done by my classmates n my mum so...AIYA! hu cares rite?then aft recess stil got music test...i sat wif jol then veli funny u noe the long table can share one rite?n...i shant elaborate.jus in I AM NOT CONFIDENT OF TIS MUSIC EXAM.I TINK I GONNA FAILSO JOL, PLS, DUN BLAME MEEEE.hahahasn wee had swimmin for the last lesson...alot of ppl pon ley...even jol pon...NVM.ppl, u shld really congrats me. cos, i finally noe how to float n kick water!!!lol.tis isnt much an achievement to u guys but to me...its...HUGE. HAHAHA. bcareful. i'm gonna catch up!!!so...aft tat my hair was so dry aft bein soaked in the swimmin pool...wth...then me, yining n jol went to the macs.HEY. THE TRIPLETS AGAIN.we bought bout MCFLURRY.REMIND ME NV TO EAT IT EVER AGAIN!!!!!i had three drops on mcflurry on my skirt lol. n it looks lyk...SHIT!wth...jolene had one drop.the yining,,,LUCKY GAL.then we smehow fought wif the tissues...SIGHhow childish...;pthen we went back to nhhs, as we woked,we toked alot n alot,chatting all the way...reach sch tat time see mr tan conductin eng oral...aiyo...then smmore wan to leave tat time yining knock onto the backdoor n she "AIYO!!!" sooper face all GONE LE LARRRH!!!!hahas...anyways, there's one ting i wanted to laff bout sanmei...she arh... u noe wats di4zi??? she said it was di4di4. LOL!!! its tu2di4 lol. i tink i lyk veli happy today...somesort...(:anyways, nice blogskins?DAJIE!!!PINK LEY!!! jus lyk euxx!!!!ERGERRRR
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Frm ur ErGe...
Heys,tings r weird tis few days...questions were asked...explanations I HAVE MY DAGE!!MY SANDI N MY SIDIlolsounds wronghow come i got 3/4 lil' brother one!!OOOPSSICK!!!so... DAJIE!!SanMein...Si Mei!!!yep...i stil tink ERGE sounds so much btr!hah!yaloh...if we bcme sisters then...smebody wil bcme MOWANWAN of helanchuun!!! (hey! isnt tat jol's previous nickname?"lol.i m MOLINGLING...(lingling sounds lyk my name)yining wil be MOYANYAN...tat hiaowcharbo!! hahasn jolene wil be MOJINGJING...the innocent one...actuaally i tink she not so innocent aft CUNNING. jkjk lah!'s u ppl gettin on wif EOY?started revision alr?(: wif love,ergerrr=p
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
HAPPY BELATED BDAE JOLENE!! here's ur other present... lol           hope u had a fun day yest, n u din hav diarreoh aft ur icecream cake...u had a tummyache isit?LOLtoday arh...dunno is hu arh...collect present until mouth bigbig eyes kana scolded by so many teachers...wth...dun wish to tok bout it...anw, its an end n a beginning to us nw, if u get wat i mean...tis is random, n lol...shitty crap,ignore mewat am i even tokin bout...AIYO!!today ACC teacher sing another poem...bueytahan leystil tink he sing veli nice...lyk sing for funeral lyk tat...7th month over le, the ghost hear him sing wil oso cme out loh!! boring...dun tok
Saturday, September 19, 2009
changed my blogskin....hope u ppl wil love it though its PINK!!anyways, i shld be sad its PINK,for PINK is sophie bodyfit's fave colour!!!n bcos hanyu loves his laopo too much, he made his blog specially PINK!jus for his PINK sophie bodyfit!!OOOOH!!!LOL...rebought jol's prezzie today...for, i cldnt bear to give her the other toy i bought for her...I WANNTED IT FOR MYSELF!!oops...tis lyk oways happen al the two day's wld be jol's WISH U HAPPY BDAE IN ADVANCE!!hahas...i noting to i lyk tokin CRAP here...LOLi so boreedbut got so much hw...btw, art hw is how to do arh?jus shade the ball picutre rite?n find another toy n bring to sch?fri nid to bring wat art materials??
Friday, September 18, 2009
I HATE E...,O.....AND Y...
waaa!!! complain i nv blog le isit??aiyo...EOY comin le ley...i mus ping my wayi wan to beat jolene!! lah all the best evryone for ur EOYu can do it!lol. i sound diff.btw, sophie laopo,when wil our child be gone?? 9 months so slow den today learn bout sexual reproductive organs for bioSICK MAN!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Junior CaoJun...