Saturday, August 22, 2009
"we'll live together n die together"
yang jian n yang chan!!
ne zha!!
hahas...a nice sketch...
hu mei!! i love u oways!!
yang chann!!
celestial dog
yao ji n yang tian you's familt, consistin of yang jian, yang chan n yang jiao!!
da jin wu!! yudi the oldest son...
yang jian n celestial puppy!! "frm today onwards, i shall be ur owner. we'll live together n die together. i promise tat as long as i'm alive, i wun let anyone hurt u." u noe arhh...tis lotus lantern prequel make me lyk celestial dog more n more...he damn cute,,, he kip repeating after yang jian n the yupin zhen ren... tat zhenren say watever he oso i was rather touched when yangjian tried to sway celestail dog off, hiting him, kicking him, sayin tat it wld only pull him down...but i noe tat yangjian did all tat bcos he loved celestial dog...but stil veli touchin...i cried ley!!