Monday, August 31, 2009
glad's bdae present!! hahas! (i still dun feel lyk dismantlin the puzzle ley...)
gladys n samantha!! (Gao Les...)
(U see?? )
aiyo....buey tahan...
hahas!actually they oso takin pics of us ley...
wokin tat time stil kip lookin at hp, nv see where u goin...Sighs!!
gladys, ms ananthy n ME!!
OOOPS! isnt tis too bright??
me n emily!!!
the three of us, wif glad's head cut off!!
LOL!! glad's head is the biggest!! ohno!! cun see emily!!! can see my hand...i noe i noe...
Emily, Mrs Ang n me!!
the Bffgys!! gosh! i look RED.
mIsS tEo , Me N mDm ChAnG!! enjoyed myself in sch so much... both schs i mean... the nan hua dance performance was excellent siah! back at yewtee, me n emily set off, find our frens, give presents... hahas!! met gladys n her frens...met omost everyone... wenxse, joel,... (::: hahas!! (: Mrs Ang so funny...she memory so good i forgot tat i P2 /3 tat time horr, dunno my leg got problem or wat, then is she carry me one... she still rmb... i mus be "xiao ren ci dai" le. LOL. met my fave teachers, ms teo, mdm chang n ms ananthy!! (::::::: ms teo has grown long hair...(::: ooh so pretty she said i short hair better...(:::::: din see mrs chew anywhere... wanted to give her a prezzie...sighs!! )): nvm, had a tiring day today... aft tis, me n emily actually wan to eat macs wif glad n sam,,, but sam no more money to eat macs le... so...she's goin to koufu... but me n emily wan eat mac marh so...byebye?? hahas!!(::: gossiped wif emily all the way tru macs... then shopped abit wif emily at yewteept... (::: we actually wanted to buy matchin pens... LOL...but dun have our fave colours... SIGH! (::: kk...tat's bout all...BYEBYE!!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Prezzies received today!!
emily's notebook,
her matchin pouch,
her card holder...
aunty karen's lil' pouch...
lol!! my specs...
my watch( frm my father) actually everyyear dun have present... nw got present better than dun hav rite?? (n sme more...wan to burst blood vessel le...the watch my father buy so ex...i see lot one sell so cheap...=.=")
sme prezzies...
frm germaine
germaine too...
gindelin's card...ooops! lopsided...
in front...
Saturday, August 22, 2009
"we'll live together n die together"
yang jian n yang chan!!
ne zha!!
hahas...a nice sketch...
hu mei!! i love u oways!!
yang chann!!
celestial dog
yao ji n yang tian you's familt, consistin of yang jian, yang chan n yang jiao!!
da jin wu!! yudi the oldest son...
yang jian n celestial puppy!! "frm today onwards, i shall be ur owner. we'll live together n die together. i promise tat as long as i'm alive, i wun let anyone hurt u." u noe arhh...tis lotus lantern prequel make me lyk celestial dog more n more...he damn cute,,, he kip repeating after yang jian n the yupin zhen ren... tat zhenren say watever he oso i was rather touched when yangjian tried to sway celestail dog off, hiting him, kicking him, sayin tat it wld only pull him down...but i noe tat yangjian did all tat bcos he loved celestial dog...but stil veli touchin...i cried ley!!