Tuesday, June 30, 2009
a tuesday.
hihi...aiya...its really another day in sch...joaquim is gone...SIGHS...i wil miss her badly...our homec project...MATHS.yesyesyesyesyes.no more mr lou for time being.cos horr...he teach i not veli sure one ley.i dun understand a ting.i ask him to explain, he tells me another ting...i m not satisfied.i expect alot frm maths teachers...my maths tis year was rather bad,but i managed to pass.but it wun last long one...i noe it.so, i hope tat mr lin!! can teach better n make me understand,those SIMPLE CONCEPTS.physics go tru correction.Recess? i ate rice wif toufu n chix!greentea. (::: li fang go find fren.nvm eat wif me. badbadgurl.):goodgoodgurl jinlin. got accompany me.((:YAY!elit ah...today mr fonseka got come ley...got alot of hw...other class oledi do finish liao...holiday hw...y mr fonseka give so late one?got 5 compre frm little ironies.dun care. i'm gonna take my time.EL class we go com lab for muse project...they wan us to do a gallery of smting.then i said, "a gallery of toilet bowls! we can have transparent type, metallic, glitter, gold, silver, bronze, clay, rock...n oso horr...we can introduce diff types of shit, got big one small one, medium one, yellow one, green one, orange one, brown one, red ones, concentrated ones, diluted one, floating ones, sinking ones, diarroeh type, constipation type, normal type, watery type, rough type, smooth type, bumpy type, wriggly type, wavy type , straight type, squarish type, roundish type, triangularish type n curled-up type..."hahas! was tat disgustin? >.<too sad. i'm the disgustin type. nanananah~HAHAS!end up we do on soft toys.then jolene tried the 3d but it was very hard lorr...):nvm... WE CAN DO IT.nananananah~~Lunch time, me, lifang, yining, n vivian go playactin again.i'm handlin my divorce papers.lifang is my soon to be ex-wife. n yining is my ex-BROTHER!vivian is my new girlfren. hahas!haven propose yet.History lesson was funn...ms caroline chua was veli pretty!mus agree horr.she 34 years old but she looked lyk 24?i was shocked she said she had 3 children.hahas! she's a fun lovin teacher, hu has great sense of humour.hahas! but strict occasionally toos!.i believe she'd make a good history teacher.~she said we were angels~ACC ah? YES! me n lifang sat together...JOINT-TABLES!yaay!but the teacher wanna demostrate how hold brush,then inked-ed my hands...eeew.n he said, (in chinese) "huh? u all so noty, how can be angels? ur last time teacher called u all wat?"then i said" first impression to new teacher important wat."then he said, "then y my first lesson here, u all so noisy?"~noisy may not be a bad impression. it shows tat we have confidence.~HAHAS! went hme wif yining, tied a ponytail, bought spicy drumlet n lemon barley.i dun noe y. lemon barley oways help me cool down aft a spicy bite.ice water isnt even tat good. hahas! then my mum bought me a new sling bag! i'm not gonna post it up. its called, l-a-z-y. hahas! so, nxt time got excursion or wateverr, u'll see me wif tat bag...WAIT.bought dinksy n winksy lots of goodies wif their $20 pet voucher!but dinksy bit my mum.i'm gonna punish her by not letting her out to play today.it serves her rite.nw, i'm gonna find ll pics n post up more.u see!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Dream Diary
hahas! i wil be keepin a record of all my dreams in tis blog. so...wil be postin TWO TIMES ADAY! say yay... SMILE. COS YOU'VE GOT A BONUS. BONUS*i'm really dissapointed... there's no lotus lantern at all.. y?y?y?? i dun care. i wanna dream of it tonite... i'm feelin so daaaamed upset... but dun worry. i wun anyhow scold u one. tok bout scoldin... kk la...i write abit bout last sat n sun kk? tis has got noting to do wif dreams... normal bloggin.kk i had a quarrel wif two aunties tat days... daaaamed it. i was sooo pissed off lor.OLD AUNTIE NUMBER ONE (SAT)she horr... tat day i go yew tee square go exchange $2 for some soyuasauce for my mum... me n my mum n another mum's fren go there... so suay...the auntie was queuin behind us... she first horr... tis our conver: Auntie: (to my mum) Eh. Ji dian liao? Mum: bu zhi dao! deng la! Auntie: Deng zhe me jiu! Hen ci le ley! Me : (tinkin) bu yao deng jiu xian tiao lou lah...deng ye hui si... Auntie: (Grabbin my elbow) Ji dian le?!?!? Me: Aiya! liu dian duo la! Auntie: Wei shen me zhe me jiu de! Me: (tinkin) Auntie ah! bie xin ji... deng yi xia xin zhang bing bao fa lor...wo jiu bu liao ni! Auntie: (sees infront the people cut queue cos got fren help them queu mah!) Ke yi Cha dui de meh? Me: Ta men you ren shou mah! bu xiang ni ...WU ZHU (helpless). Auntie: (shuddups) Mum: lingling! zhe zhong ren bu yao ying hui ta de! Me: Wo jiu shi yao shuo gei ta ting. Wo bu pa de. Wo gan jiang ta! Auntie: (when almost her turn, she cuts both my mum n my queue) Me: Auntie! ni jiang bie ren cha dui, ni zi ji ye shi! bu xiang yang! ~me n my mum take finish liao, then we queu another round... i told my mum," tat b**** b**** b**** b****!!!!!!!!" HAHAS! CUN BELIEVE I SAID SUCH VULGAR. u not me. u dun understand. she really veli unleasonable one.
SHITTY HAG NUMBER TWO (SUN) i was eatin at koufu. then i go buy wanton noodles. infront of me got one auntie earlier than me. BUT. SHE WASN'T QUEUEIN UP. so I DIN CUT HER QUEUE. but she cut mine. DAAAMED IT. i m see her old hag horr...then i let her go first. she stil everynow n then stare at me. HAGHAGHAGHAGHAG she buy tings horr... "eh! i dun one muo gu! wo jin tian bu ke yi chi..." superstition included??? i dunnoe. then she at first say dabao. then when the vendor give her dabao one... she say she is chi de. WATTHEHECK. then i took my spoon... n i rubbed it very hard on my thumb... i wanted to lyk um... injure myself? cos whenever i'm angry wif smeone for their acts i do it. there was a very thick mark on my thumb. i din stop. i kept showin my injured thumb to the hag. HAHAHAS n not to tell u tat. i waited for almost 15min jus for a plate of SIMPLE WANTON dammed it. u understand how i feel? then i ask the vendor for receipt. got lucky draw mah! so the lady gave me the hag's receipt. hu ask the hag nv ask her for receipt. HAGHAGHAGHAGHAGHAGHAGHAGHAGHAG then the lady forgot hu i was.she go ask me.eh! lucky draw get wat ah? i nv ans.i wanna tell her: hey hag. ur receipt's wif me. NANANANANANANANANANANAHHHH~~hahahahahaskk. i'm longwinded.NOW IT'S THE REAL BONUS.i dreamt of guo congmin n the song zhenchang frm the taiwan show ai...they were quarrellin...n congmin said: hah! wo cai bu xi han ni men song jia cai chan! wo yi jing shi dong shi zhang le. wo cai guan bu zhao! zhencahng had a heart attack.THE END!lol. not much of a dream lah...I WISH TO DREAM OF LOTUS LANTERN TODAY.WISH VERY VERY VERY MUCH.
sch reopened today... i EXPECTED to get H1N1 today... dunnoe?!?!?!? well, it was so fun... first, lifang cut short her hair. vanessa oso... then, lifang shorten her skirt... nw, its MY skirt tat looks daaaaamed long... LOL. i had a hard time tyin my plaits today... nvm...its all over...but i wil have to tie it for lyk the whole term liao?? cannot jus tie ponytail mey? hahas! first ting... i reached sch at 6.47am. lifang wasnt there. until 7.05am then reach... LIFANG...i wanna scold u... first day of sch u wan me wait u so long!! then she showed me some photos tat were soooo cute!! everyone was REALLY EXCITED LORRH... n YAYAYAYAYAY! i have smeting to celebrate! ms ng changed our seating arrangement! n i am nw seatin wif lifang near the door!! woohoo!! hahas! n lucky got yining n vivian there... its lyk four good frens all together?? EVERYONE LET'S PARTYYYYY!! \O\ /O/ \O/
hahas! skipped chinese lesson today... dunnoe? cos first two periods GONE mah!! YAYAY! had bio, ms loy brought in a new teacher... mr liu is gonna be our next bio teacher when she's gone. i'm kinda sad...really sad... all our teachers r leavin...
RECESS! ate wanton noodles, no onion, no vege!! GREAT MANN! drank lemon barley!!
Elit teacher nv come... i'm both happy n sad... but me n lifang were lyk chattin?? Eng lesson, we go tru the prac 3 compre... noting much...
Lunch! hahas! played a good trick on vivian n yining... it happened lyk tis. me n lifang go buy drinks. we saw yining n vivian... n we decided to join their queue. then they ask us help them buy cos they wanna eat their food first mah so i help them buy. then i removed the straws away frm their packet drinks. lifang tell them to go take starw frm uncle. then we made use of tis time, place the straw back on their tables. then we run away. they come back is lyk, "we've been cheated" hahas! after tat we play arm wrestlin... then laopuo(Lifang) go find another man(yining) make laogong( yiling) wear green hat once more... so, laogong angry. he go find another pretty angmor(vivian) hahas! turned out our script was too funny... lifang n yinng were lyk runnin away, we ended up chasin back into the classrm... hahas! swimmin lesson was so sian lorr... the teacher toktoktok i oso nv listen... but worst still, i may not be able to participate... cos i got medicalprob... u dun ask anymore... so i dunnnoe... n its so rushin. if teacher last minute say i can, n i hav no swimmin costume... it'll be... THE END OF MY LIFE. i'm serious. i hate to be unprepared for everyting... everyting mus be prepared bfore hand then nxt time wil easier mah!
so long post? hahas! guess i'm really too excited... haven't been msn-in for a long time... sorries...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
l-o-t-u-s- l-a-n-t-e-r-n
~it doesnt mean tat when a show stops, u forget it entirely.~
Cao Jun-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Cao jun Birthday: 9-2-1988 Born: Shang Hai Height: 1m72 Weight: 62 kg Blood-group: AB Family: parents,grandmother, grandfather Fave activities: martial arts, sport, reading books Sports: basketball and ping pong Fave season: winter Subject: language, mathematics, sportsFave colour: lake blueFood: lobster, fish, ice cream, arundinaria japonicum Cartoon character: SNOOPY Wish: directorSome Lotus Lantern Pics!!