hi. today... wake up at 9.11am, piano lesson 10am... so rush.
never practise for 2 weeks liao...
cun be bothered coz got lots of projects.
teacher gave me two sight readings today, i guessed i almost died.
then halfway go home, met teacher cindy, my p6 maths tutor.
she say her son never learn the piano well, go to find real piano teacher damn ex...
so she ask me.
"you wan to teach my boy? i can pay you. but must charge cheap...haha! i'm serious!"but her boy is like hyperactive, quite snobbish...
i dunno if i can handle him...
i kindof like this chance... got pay leh!!!
i tink i charge $60 for that.
but i scared is her son dun wan to learn,
no interest, then i take money for no reason...
i dun like that.
i wan an experience of planning lessons...
i wan the pay... i wan to teach...
just want the feeling!!!!!!
can give comments??
then i go home, rush tru my elit project...
finally its done!!! both kevin and mother's blogs are finished!
i'm pro. admit that.
beach ball babes showing now on sat n suns, from 4.30pm-6.30pm.
that's all. bye!