Saturday, May 2, 2009
yesyesyesyesyeseysyesyesyesyeyesyes!i finally got a CONVERSE jacket!!! like i crazy over something like this but i'm still realli happy. use my own angpow money buy one leh!!! i love the black colour and the white stripes and the hoodi thingy!! hehe! i oso bought a strap yeah! haven't buy new wallet n pencil box n sling bag n hp pouch n 2 in 1 watch!!! but i'll get you someday. i think in total will cost:$19.90+$19.90+ $39.90+$8.95+ $15 = $104haah! i tink my angpow inside only left $80+ ... how??? i'm sorta a spendtrift!! sooo.... i tink i dun buy the sling bag first. $104 - $40 = $64.$80 -$ 64 = $16$40 -$16 =$24I NEED TO SAVE $24 DOLLARS!!! desperately!!I want SHI XIN HUEY'S NEW queen AlBum too!! haah!!! no money!! i'm broke! the converse jacket!!! i dun care!